Translation for '
pike' from English to Bulgarian
| NOUN1 | a pike | pikes |
| NOUN2 | a pike [fish] | pike / [also] pikes |
| VERB | to pike | piked | piked piking | pikes |
| SYNO | expressway | freeway | motorway | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
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Usage Examples English
- The reservoir supports several varieties of fish – rainbow trout, bream, roach, pike and perch.
- There are also good numbers of small pike with a few larger specimens mixed in. The best recorded pike have been over 30lb.
- Aggression also arises from a need for space. Pike are aggressive if not given enough space because they are territorial.
- Lyon and Nantua are famous for their "quenelles de brochet" (pike quenelles), often served with sauce Nantua (crayfish sauce) or "sauce mousseline" (cream sauce) and run under a grill.
- Pike Lake was named for its stock of pike fish.
- The Guayana pike-conger ("Cynoponticus savanna", also known as the Pike-headed eel or the Sapphire eel) is an eel in the family Muraenesocidae (pike congers).
- The English common name "pike" is an apparent shortening of "pike-fish", in reference to its pointed head, as the Old English word "píc" originally referring to a pickaxe.
- Fish present in Garadice Lough include tench, roach, bream and pike. Large pike have been caught here weighing [...] or more.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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