 Translation for 'pilot' from English to Bulgarian
NOUN   a pilot | pilots
VERB   to pilot | piloted | piloted
piloting | pilots
SYNO airplane pilot | archetype | buffer | ...
pilot {noun}
пилот {м}
pilot {noun}
летец {м}
2 translations
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Translation for 'pilot' from English to Bulgarian

pilot {noun}
пилот {м}ави.

летец {м}ави.
Usage Examples English
  • Milo Garrett Burcham (May 24, 1903 – October 20, 1944) was an American aviator. He worked as a stunt pilot, airshow pilot, and test pilot.
  • Student pilot certificates allow students to fly the plane by themselves, with instructor sign-off.
  • John J. Canvin Sr., started in the pilot service as a pilot on the pilot boat Joseph N. Lord.
  • ... June 13, 1892) was a 19th-century American Boston maritime pilot.
  • Giovanni De Briganti (12 October 1892 – 8 November 1937) was an Italian World War I fighter pilot, seaplane air racer of the 1920s, aerobatic pilot, and test pilot.

  • Marjorie Claire Stinson (July 5, 1895 – April 15, 1975) was an American aviator, airmail pilot, pilot instructor, and stunt pilot.
  • During his pilot experience, there was no plane in the sky that he didn't fly as a fighter pilot and flight instructor, Ikarus test pilot, a member of the Aero Club pilot or Aeroput pilot.
  • Air Force pilot candidates began with introductory flight training (IFT).
  • In pursuit of his dream in becoming a pilot, he obtained his Airplane Private Pilot License at Mactan Aviation Technology Center Inc.
  • Corporate contract pilot is a classification of pilot in general aviation.

  • The airline transport pilot licence—helicopter allows a pilot to fly professionally as pilot or co-pilot of single pilot or multi-crew helicopters.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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