 Translation for 'pink footed goose' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN   a pink-footed goose | pink-footed geese
pink-footed goose {noun} [Anser brachyrhynchus]
късоклюна гъска {ж}
Partial Matches
black-footed penguin {noun} [Spheniscus demersus]
африкански пингвин {м}
red-footed falcon {noun} [Falco vespertinus]
вечерна ветрушка {ж}
red-footed falcon {noun} [Falco vespertinus]
червенонога ветрушка {ж}
pink {adj}розов
pale pink {adj}бледорозов
red-footed tortoise {noun} [Chelonoidis carbonarius, syn.: Geochelone carbonaria]
червенопетниста костенурка {ж}
pink coral fungus {noun} [Ramaria formosa]
красива коралка {ж}
pink-backed pelican {noun} [Pelecanus rufescens]
розовогръб пеликан {м}
goose {noun}
гъска {ж}
swan goose {noun} [Anser cygnoides]
лебедоподобна гъска {ж}
bean goose {noun} [Anser fabalis]
посевна гъска {ж}
Orinoco goose {noun} [Neochen jubata]
оринокска гъска {ж}
Canada goose {noun} [Branta canadensis]
канадска гъска {ж}
barnacle goose {noun} [Branta leucopsis]
белобуза гъска {ж}
web-footed tenrec {noun} [Microgale mergulus, syn.: Limnogale mergulus]
ципоног тенрек {м}
red-breasted goose {noun} [Branta ruficollis]
червеногуша гъска {ж}
bar-headed goose {noun} [Anser indicus]
планинска гъска {ж}
spur-winged goose {noun} [Plectropterus gambensis]
шипокрила гъска {ж}
Egyptian goose {noun} [Alopochen aegyptiaca, syn.: Alopochen aegyptiacus]
египетска гъска {ж}
greylag goose {noun} [Br.] [Anser anser]
сива гъска {ж}
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Translation for 'pink footed goose' from English to Bulgarian

pink-footed goose {noun} [Anser brachyrhynchus]
късоклюна гъска {ж}орн.T

black-footed penguin {noun} [Spheniscus demersus]
африкански пингвин {м}орн.T
red-footed falcon {noun} [Falco vespertinus]
вечерна ветрушка {ж}орн.T

червенонога ветрушка {ж}орн.T
pink {adj}
pale pink {adj}
red-footed tortoise {noun} [Chelonoidis carbonarius, syn.: Geochelone carbonaria]
червенопетниста костенурка {ж}зоол.T
pink coral fungus {noun} [Ramaria formosa]
красива коралка {ж}микол.T
pink-backed pelican {noun} [Pelecanus rufescens]
розовогръб пеликан {м}орн.T
goose {noun}
гъска {ж}орн.T
swan goose {noun} [Anser cygnoides]
лебедоподобна гъска {ж}орн.T
bean goose {noun} [Anser fabalis]
посевна гъска {ж}орн.T
Orinoco goose {noun} [Neochen jubata]
оринокска гъска {ж}орн.T
Canada goose {noun} [Branta canadensis]
канадска гъска {ж}орн.T
barnacle goose {noun} [Branta leucopsis]
белобуза гъска {ж}орн.T
web-footed tenrec {noun} [Microgale mergulus, syn.: Limnogale mergulus]
ципоног тенрек {м}зоол.T
red-breasted goose {noun} [Branta ruficollis]
червеногуша гъска {ж}орн.T
bar-headed goose {noun} [Anser indicus]
планинска гъска {ж}орн.T
spur-winged goose {noun} [Plectropterus gambensis]
шипокрила гъска {ж}орн.T
Egyptian goose {noun} [Alopochen aegyptiaca, syn.: Alopochen aegyptiacus]
египетска гъска {ж}орн.T
greylag goose {noun} [Br.] [Anser anser]
сива гъска {ж}орн.T
Usage Examples English
  • Gladhouse Reservoir is an important roost site for wintering populations of pink-footed goose and has a large population of greylag goose.
  • The pink-footed goose is one of the species to which the "Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds" (AEWA) applies.
  • Small game in Iceland consists mostly of seabirds (puffin, cormorant and great black-backed gull) and waterfowl (mallard, greylag goose and pink-footed goose).
  • More than 300 bird species have been recorded in the area, Other rare birds spotted here include the purple heron, the pink-footed goose, the European honey buzzard and the melodious warbler.
  • It was named after the geese, for the Barnacle goose and the Pink-footed goose are common in the region.

  • The shallow water of the Vik Inlet is protected as the Vik Inlet Nature Reserve, particularly because of its importance as an area for the pink-footed goose during spring.
  • Since the end of the 1990s, the pink-footed goose has grazed in parts of Vikeid during the spring migration period.
  • The closely related pink-footed goose ("A. brachyrhynchus") has the bill short, bright pink in the middle, and the feet also pink, the upper wing-coverts being nearly of the same bluish-grey as in the greylag goose.
  • The reserve is designated SSSI, SPA and Ramsar because of the large numbers of geese overwintering there, especially the Icelandic/Greenland pink-footed goose ("Anser brachyrhynchus") and the Icelandic greylag goose ("Anser anser").
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