 Translation for 'pink-backed' from English to Bulgarian
pink-backed pelican {noun} [Pelecanus rufescens]
розовогръб пеликан {м}
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Translation for 'pink-backed' from English to Bulgarian

pink-backed pelican {noun} [Pelecanus rufescens]
розовогръб пеликан {м}орн.T
Usage Examples English
  • The gulf of Aqaba hosts more than 390 bird species including migratory birds such as the greater flamingo, great white pelican and the pink-backed pelican.
  • Shores of Africa forms part of the African Adventure and features a penguin enclosure that's home to Pink-backed pelicans and Is full of African penguins that love to swim in an indoor pool, Guests are able to experience underwater viewing while watching the penguins.
  • Downing Gorilla Forest starts out in a recreation of a small Congo village with exhibits for colobus monkeys, pink-backed pelicans, and white pelicans.
  • The pink-backed pelican ("Pelecanus rufescens") is a bird of the pelican family.
  • The dam also supports a breeding colony of pink-backed and great white pelicans.

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