 Translation for 'purple heron' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN   a purple heron | purple herons
purple heron {noun} [Ardea purpurea]
червена чапла {ж}
Partial Matches
purple {noun}пурпур {м}
purple {adj}морав
purple {adj}виолетов
purple {adj}пурпурен
purple sandpiper {noun} [Calidris maritima]
морски брегобегач {м}
purple martin {noun} [Progne subis]
пурпурна лястовица {ж}
heron {noun}
чапла {ж}
zigzag heron {noun} [Zebrilus undulatus]
зиг-заг чапла {ж}
green heron {noun} [Butorides virescens]
зеленогърба чапла {ж}
black-headed heron {noun} [Ardea melanocephala]
черноглава чапла {ж}
grey heron {noun} [Br.] [Ardea cinerea]
сива чапла {ж}
gray heron {noun} [Am.] [Ardea cinerea]
сива чапла {ж}
13 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Among the most difficult to meet there are some species of ducks such as the Tufted Duck and Gadwall or herons such as the Bittern and the Purple Heron.
  • Many rare species, such as the white-tailed eagle, little egret and purple heron, nest there.
  • In areas of thicker vegetation the purple heron nests during spring and migrates in August to over-winter in other places.
  • More than 300 bird species have been recorded in the area, Other rare birds spotted here include the purple heron, the pink-footed goose, the European honey buzzard and the melodious warbler.
  • 27 kinds of rare and protected kinds of birds nest in the region, like purple heron.

  • In spring the black-winged stilt and the purple heron are also frequent.
  • Purple heron ("Ardea purpurea") successfully bred in the UK for the first time on the Dungeness peninsula in Kent.
  • These species include Purple gallinule, Purple heron and is a nesting site for the Ferruginous duck.
  • Rodd also received an immature purple heron ("Ardea purpurea") and a wood sandpiper ("Tringa glareola") for his collection.
  • Migratory birds visiting this pond include cormorant, purple heron, grey horn, painted stork, and many local water birds and sparrow.

  • Over 250 bird species have been recorded here including some interesting species such as Osprey, Eurasian Reed-Warbler, Purple Heron, Black heron and Hammerkop.
  • The breeding population of migratory waterbirds arrive here between October and February and include: spot-billed pelican, Asian openbill stork, grey heron, purple heron, pond heron, little egret and great egret.
  • There are estimated to be a total of between 270,000 and 570,000 purple herons in the world and the population is probably decreasing slowly.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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