Translation for '
realize' from English to Bulgarian
| VERB | to realize | realized | realized realizing | realizes |
| SYNO | to actualise | to actualize | to agnise | ... |
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- In order to realize naturally what may emerge from all laws in the future, one must first penetrate and understand them deeply.
- Federated governance models potentially realize the benefits of both localized and centralized control while avoiding the weaknesses of both.
- The survivors realize there is a killer hiding among them on the lifepod.
- Individual causality is divine providence acting to realize the original causality of the human race, which through the use of suffering guides individuals to realize their causality and leads them to a change of heart and active cooperation towards the establishment of the Joyous Life, the world that was ordained at the beginning of time.
- It is impossible to realize exactly 1 C of charge, since the number of elementary charges is not an integer. It is also impossible to realize charge at the yoctocoulomb scale.
- Hopping Helpers: Malik, Zadie, and Zeke realize that it feels good to help others, so they become the "Hopping Helpers" and try to help everyone in the Treeborhood.
- In addition to her main profession, Taran is also successfully engaged in her social project, "To Realize a Dream", whose goal is to realize the dreams of seriously ill children in Ukraine.
- Minhal makes Balaj realize that he should also applaud her like everyone else.
- The project "The Ideal Exhibition with Hervé Tullet" proposes to everyone to realize his exhibition by following the gestures and pieces easy to realize of the artist and illustrator Hervé Tullet.
- Vee and Ian realize the row of chairs in the hallway outside the room and curtain are like a stage, so NERVE's wealthy donors must be watching through a one-way mirror just a few inches away.
- Browning doesn't realize how involved Hannah is until she shoots the two thieves and ends up having the stolen necklace on her.
- "She does not realize 'Boo to eating meat!'"). Prescriptivist translations fare only slightly better ("She does not realize that she is not to eat meat").
- NFP promotes activities that help individuals realize his value and potentials towards the development of the communities where he lived.
- Although the child cannot understand the purpose, the ceremony helps the parents to realize that they have to shape their child into a good citizen and show a bright future to the child.
- The Congressional Budget Office has concluded that increased use of health information technology has great potential to significantly reduce overall health care spending and realize large improvements in health care quality providing that the system is integrated.
- Abdul Hamid worked with the Young Ottomans to realize some form of constitutional arrangement.
- Transistor-based amplification can be realized using various configurations: for example a bipolar junction transistor can realize common base, common collector or common emitter amplification; a MOSFET can realize common gate, common source or common drain amplification.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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