 Translation for 'reap' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN   reap | reaps
VERB   to reap | reaped | reaped
reaping | reaps
SYNO to draw | to glean | to harvest | ...
to reap {verb}жъна [несв.] [и прен.]
to reap {verb}пожънвам [несв.] [и прен.]
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • In April 2015 Västernorrland County ordered its officials to find ways to limit the profits private companies can reap from running publicly funded health services.
  • Wasfi al-Atassi died in 1933. He was unable to see the final struggle for independence reap its fruits.
  • We'll reap a harvest now.
  • 2. It is where Investors can sow a rupee and reap a dollar as returns.
  • Many media entities are controlled by large for-profit corporations who reap revenue from advertising, subscriptions, and sale of copyrighted material.

  • Additionally, some believe that black single women on welfare are irresponsible in their reproductive decisions and may continue to have children to reap welfare benefits.
  • Other government-controlled television stations like MCOT were expected to reap windfalls if iTV ended.
  • In a "leg reap", the attacker uses one of their legs to reap one or both of their opponent's legs off the ground.
  • He argued that socially responsible firms often reap unexpected benefits even in highly competitive environments, because their commitment to principle makes them more attractive as partners to do business with.
  • For the team to reap the benefits mentioned above, the manager considers the following factors.

  • If the parent process still refuses to reap the zombie, and if it would be fine to terminate the parent process, the next step can be to remove the parent process.
  • Like in Christ's saying that one will reap what one has sown.
  • When Mac Creiche and Ailbe returned, Mainchín began to reap his corn, while Baethbrónach's men reaped another ridge by the fort.
  • "The summer will reap" of Alexis Damianos in municipal regional theater of Kavala (1986).
  • Based upon the interview with Pickard, Shell is approaching the project as an investment that will reap energy resources with a lifespan of around 30 years.

  • Parts of this psalm have been singled out, for example "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy" is included in "Ein deutsches Requiem" by Johannes Brahms.
  • His last words are reported as being: "I have sown a rich seed; the hour is coming when my country will reap its glorious fruits".
  • Feraios' last words are said to have been: "I have sown a rich seed; the hour is coming when my country will reap its glorious fruits".
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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