Translation for '
rebellious' from English to Bulgarian
| ADJ | rebellious | more rebellious | most rebellious |
| SYNO | disaffected | ill-affected | malcontent | ... |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- Sunny is the reserved and rebellious daughter of Doc Hata.
- Instead, Hale's version of the character is depicted as a rebellious teen and budding computer hacker.
- In early 2015, an article in the "Manchester Evening News" reported that Leech was the second-most rebellious MP in the North of England and the second-most rebellious Lib Dem MP.
- Manuel forced the rebellious Serbs, and their leader, Uroš II, to vassalage (1150–1152).
- Karlheinz Weinberger was a Swiss photographer, known for his homoerotic portraits of rebellious young men.
- • Hardin Scott rebellious British boy and Tessa’s ex-boyfriend.
- Margaret's hair is frequently featured, it's variously a "rebellious red mop", a "sodden mass of rebellious curls", a "scarlet flag, wild curls whipping around her face", and "burnished autumn leaves".
- The Kolis of Kankrej were most rebellious against Muslim rulers and British Raj in India.
- In 733, he defeated rebellious Khitan tribes.
- Unidentified agents - desperate after being surrounded by rebellious troops and a throng of civilians - opened fire from the top of the building, killing four demonstrators.
- Lord Hubert of Ryes welcomed Duke William during his struggle with his rebellious barons.
- In one medieval Armenian lexicon, the "dev" are explained as rebellious angels.
- I. The Moon – Della, a rebellious young woman.
- During filming, the management of Allied Artists were engaged in a proxy fight with rebellious shareholders.
- <blockquote>"Long and rebellious palpitations have ceded to this febrifuge".
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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