 Translation for 'reckon with' from English to Bulgarian
reckon with {verb}вземам под внимание
Partial Matches
with {prep} <w/>със
with {prep} <w/>с
to blend (with{verb}смесва се (с)
unverified overloaded (with{adj} {past-p}препълнен (с)
in time with {adv}в такт с
to fiddle with sth. {verb}занимавам се [несв.] с нщ.
with that saidимайки предвид това
with a vengeance {adv}здравата [разг.]
unverified with a shrug {adv} вдигам рамене,повдигам рамене,все ми е едно
with no accent {adj}без акцент
to fiddle with sth. {verb}играя си с нщ.
with your permissionс ваше разрешение
to get away with it {verb}измъквам се безнаказано
to acquaint sb. with sth. {verb}запознавам нкг. с нщ. [несв.]
to charge sb. with sth. {verb}
обвинявам нкг. в нщ.
to be familiar with sth. {adj}запознат съм с нщ.
unverified to be synonymous with sth.символизирам нщ.
unverified to be synonymous with sth.символ съм на нщ.
to put up with sth. {verb}примирявам се с нщ. [несв.]
to rise with the sun {verb}
ставам с петлите [прост.]
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Usage Examples English
  • Some of the oldest currently-running passion plays have had to reckon with past polemic portrayals of Jews in the work.
  • When it comes to women's football in Angola, Progresso do Sambizanga is undeniably a benchmark and a force to reckon with.
  • King became a major force to reckon with, and almost won ROY honors, barely losing to eventual winner and co-power forward Jimmy Taguines of Yco-Tanduay in a tight race.
  • In rural Bihar the party had become a major force to reckon with in some areas under leadership of Sushil Roy alias Som.
  • The upheld hand made clear that the Erlenbach dwellers stood under the Emperor's special protection, and that any who set himself against it would have to reckon with the sovereign's upraised sword.

  • In 1991, the Western League was dissolved and the OHA Junior Development League was created. At this time, the Apple Jacks turned into a team to reckon with.
  • Appearing in court in October, 1970 Bozell declared "America is going to have to reckon with its Christians, like it or not."
  • Each of these institutions has produced many social scientists, cancer specialists, nuclear scientists and distinguished institutional administrators who have all strived to make the country a power to reckon with in science and technology.
  • Ismail Adil Shah seldom faced defeat and his army with the artillery was a force to reckon with.
  • In the enormous extent of Russia we have to reckon with widely different geographical and racial areas, among other, with the Steppe settlements of the so-called Little Russians in the Ukraine and the forest settlements of the Great Russians in the north.

  • Through the utilization of Hindu mythologies, "Priya's Shakti" tells the story of a rape survivor in a controversial heroic role inviting Indian society to reckon with patriarchal societal views.
  • However, the defence failed to reckon with the fact that Garson was not an expert of fingerprinting but of anthropometry, its rival field in identification.
  • But potent themes of identity, place and collective memory unite the works uncovering the animus that runs through them: to connect with those around her and reckon with the history that shaped her communities.
  • However, Johnson failed to reckon with Senator James Eastland, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, who was also a white supremacist and a supporter of segregation.
  • com described Matondkar as "a force to reckon with in the industry".

  • The team ultimately find themselves forced to come together and personally reckon with the legacy of 9/11 when a powerful businesswoman whose company headquarters were destroyed in the Twin Tower attacks goes missing and her kidnapper—a man whose wife was killed in the World Trade Center—abducts Jack in order to forestall her rescue.
  • From the outset, Urban had to reckon with the presence of Guibert, the former bishop of Ravenna who held Rome as the antipope "Clement III".
  • however, Nigeria being the foremost black nation on Earth due to its population, Nigeria has great potential and will soon grow to be a force to reckon with on the global stage.
  • However, the designers did not reckon with Honolulu's ocean-salt laden climate.
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