 Translation for 'recognise' from English to Bulgarian
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VERB   to recognise | recognised | recognised
recognising | recognises
SYNO to accredit | to acknowledge | to agnise | ...
to recognise {verb}разпознавам
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Translation for 'recognise' from English to Bulgarian

to recognise {verb}
Usage Examples English
  • The Australian Dance Awards recognise excellence and promote dance in Australia.
  • It attempts to recognise patterns occurring at these scales.
  • In 2000, Guinness World Records presented two certificates to recognise the world record of offering 1,247 vegetarian dishes during the Annakut Festival held at the Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, London on 27 October 2000, and secondly to recognise the largest traditionally built Hindu temple outside India.
  • According to a 2020 study, states which have stronger ties to the United States are more likely to recognise Kosovo, whereas states with stronger ties to Russia are less likely to recognise Kosovo.
  • In 2005, Yahya Jammeh, then President of the Gambia, said that his country was ready to recognise the independence of Northern Cyprus.

  • The Victorian Community History Awards are held annually to recognise the contributions made by Victorians in the preservation of the State's history, and to recognise excellence in historical research.
  • The United Nations Security Council supported moves not to recognise Transkei, and in Resolution 402 (1976) condemned moves by South Africa to pressure Lesotho to recognise Transkei by closing its borders with the country.
  • The Medal of Honour has been designed to especially recognise commendable services and actions of individuals within the banding fraternity, which have contributed to promoting the Tasmanian banding community in a positive manner.
  • For instance, the 2009 APG III system and the 2003 APG II system recognise the family and assign it to the order Caryophyllales in the clade core eudicots, although the 1998 APG system did not recognise such a family, placing its members in the family Chenopodiaceae instead.
  • Inventors' Day is a day of the year set aside by a country to recognise the contributions of inventors.

  • In the 1986 split in the republican movement, O'Doherty sided with Republican Sinn Féin and refused to recognise the legitimacy of Dáil Éireann in Leinster House.
  • These toads likely recognise and actively avoid close kins as mates.
  • SH2 domains recognise specific amino acid sequences within proteins containing phosphotyrosine residues and SH3 domains recognise proline-rich sequences within specific peptide sequence contexts of proteins.
  • Formulated in a speech to a party conference at Gera, his demands entailed four stipulations: that West Germany recognise the existence of East German citizenship, that the Central Registry of State Judicial Administrations be defunded, that the two German states establish official diplomatic relations, and that West Germany recognise the middle of the Elbe river as its eastern border.
  • The Sydney Theatre Awards are annual awards to recognise the strength, quality and diversity of professional theatre in Sydney, Australia.

  • Abkhazia and South Ossetia mutually recognise one another as independent states, and both are also recognised by two other Russia-backed non-UN member states: Nagorno-Karabakh and Transnistria.
  • The awards recognise the significant achievements of migrant and Indigenous business owners.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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