 Translation for 'recommend' from English to Bulgarian
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VERB   to recommend | recommended | recommended
recommending | recommends
SYNO to advocate | to commend | to recommend | ...
to recommend {verb}препоръчвам
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Translation for 'recommend' from English to Bulgarian

to recommend {verb}
Usage Examples English
  • While the AESO has a role to collect information and recommend areas for evaluation, only the MSA can recommend penalties or fines to the AUC.
  • Experts recommend an initial evaluation by a pediatrician, who might also recommend an evaluation by a speech-language pathologist.
  • Partners of the CABI-led programme, Plantwise including LUANAR recommend using certified, disease-free seed.
  • Plantwise partners from the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) in Zambia and the Zambia Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI) recommend removing dead leaves and diseased leaves on plants and burn them to prevent the spread of fungal spores.
  • There is insufficient evidence to recommend a particular hemoglobin threshold in people with myelodysplasia or aplastic anemia, and guidelines recommend an individualized approach to transfusion.

  • A few authorities recommend against using different types of quotation marks for speech and mentioned words and recommend one style of quotation mark to be used for both purposes.
  • Not all diabetes dietitians today recommend the exchange scheme.
  • Some diets recommend limiting servings of baked goods to 2 grams per serving.
  • On this view, either the rules recommend the same option as the balance of reasons or a different option.
  • The system is designed to support the bridge inspection process, recommend a bridge preservation policy, predict future bridge conditions, and recommend projects to perform on one or more bridges to derive the most agency and user benefit from a specified budget.

  • The US National Cancer Institute does not recommend the use of calcium supplements for lowering the risk of cancer.
  • Most widely used techniques recommend the use of specialized children's potties, and some recommend that parents consider using snacks or drinks as rewards.
  • Some recommend that liver function should be monitored carefully in all people receiving it, but others recommend monitoring only in certain populations.
  • There are variations in the health community in recommendations on what treatment doctors should recommend for people with HIV.
  • They also recommend that families try to use media with their child so that they can help explain what content is on the screen and how it applies to their own lives.

  • Willingness to recommend is a metric related to customer satisfaction.
  • The National Advisory Board’s objectives were to assist the Institute in reaching its primary goals, increase student awareness of retailing, recommend appropriate research or seminar topics, and to critique and recommend improvements for institute programs.
  • The endowment is open only to Mormons who have a valid "temple recommend."
  • TVT (Tierärztliche Vereinigung für Tierschutz) recommend wheels should be at least [...] for Syrian hamsters, since smaller diameters lead to permanent spinal curvatures, especially in young animals.
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