 Translation for 'recommendation' from English to Bulgarian
NOUN1   a recommendation | recommendations
NOUN2   recommendation | -
SYNO good word | passport | recommendation | ...
recommendation {noun}препоръка {ж}
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Translation for 'recommendation' from English to Bulgarian

recommendation {noun}
препоръка {ж}
Usage Examples English
  • His bravery in the face of enemy fire was so remarkable that a recommendation that he receive the Medal of Honor was twice submitted.
  • This recommendation was part of a larger recommendation that would close NAS JRB Willow Grove, PA.
  • This recommendation was part of a larger BRAC recommendation that would close NAS JRB Willow Grove, Pennsylvania.
  • The Board's recommendation memos were heavily redacted—their actual recommendation was redacted.
  • Parents may disagree with the program recommendation of the school district.

  • Recommendation-only system Since its founding in 1905, "Booklist" has followed a recommendation-only system. This means that every title reviewed would make a quality addition to library collections.
  • District Judges, as well as the Registrar and Masters of the District Court, are appointed by the Chief Executive on the recommendation of the independent Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission (JORC).
  • Recommendation 5.1 on the withdrawal of cannabis and cannabis resin from Schedule IV, was the only recommendation which was adopted.
  • On October 7th, 2020, the Dutch Council for Culture presented the recommendation 'Colonial Collection and a Recognition of Injustice' to the Dutch culture minister.
  • Supreme Court collegium recommended his name as Judge in 2018, however the Ministry of Law and Justice returned the recommendation for reconsideration and thereafter in 2019 Supreme Court collegium reiterated its recommendation.

  • It's a draft recommendation made by the Commission in view of the Council recommendation.
  • XLink 1.1 is a W3C recommendation and the successor of XLink 1.0, which was also a W3C recommendation.
  • Under his recommendation, guidelines were produced by SEBI, which included the recommendation such as companies declaring loans to subsidy companies.
  • Some recommendation systems use existing garments to recommend a size, while others use measurements taken by the customer.
  • In Bracha Shapira and Boaz Zabar's "Personalized Search: Integrating Collaboration and Social Networks", Shapira and Zabar focused on a model that utilizes a recommendation system.

  • The Minister of Justice, Sigríður Andersen, had informed Bjarni about his father's involvement in the letter of recommendation in July, and refused to disclose the recommendation's author until compelled to by a parliamentary committee.
  • While the underlying recommendation engine technology remains in use at eBay, the public-facing website for the independent Hunch recommendation engine was closed in March 2014.
  • 150.1 Recommendation is not widely deployed, a pared down version of the recommendation called "Minimum Essential Requirements (MER) for V.150.1 Gateways" (SCIP-216) is used in Secure Telephony applications.
  • The recipient was selected and the trophy awarded by the IHF Council at the recommendation of the IHF Executive Committee.
  • The Governor of Texas has authority to grant clemency only upon written recommendation of a majority of the members of the BPP; however, the governor is free to reject the recommendation.

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    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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