 Translation for 'recultivation' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN   a recultivation | recultivations
recultivation {noun}
рекултивация {ж}
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Translation for 'recultivation' from English to Bulgarian

recultivation {noun}
рекултивация {ж}агр.екол.
Usage Examples English
  • Measures such as the recultivation of heaps, plantations as part of a compensatory measure or, in tiller forestry, the planting of vegetation are distinguished from greening.
  • In the 21st century there has been a revival and recultivation of the plant, and an honouring of it in art.
  • Many places are left to nature after recultivation, The Heinz Sielmann Foundation adopted numerous areas, others are managed near-natural and sustainably by the state forest administration.
  • The spacious recreation area „Silbersee“ is situated between the urban areas of Loessnig (a district of Leipzig) and the open-pit landscape in the southern areas of Leipzig, which is currently in a process of recultivation and transfiguration.
  • This proposal is intended, on the one hand, as a strategy for use during the long operating periods of the opencast mines (40 years in the case of the Hambach opencast mine) and, on the other hand, as an alternative to the previous model of "natural" recultivation.

  • In the 1950s, the worldwide cotton boom stimulated unprecedented growth in the city and the recultivation of this part of the middle Euphrates area.
  • The recultivation of the landscape in the vicinity of Most is unique and appreciated as an effective and sensitive revitalization of the landscape, which is a model for further recultivations.
  • Now the recultivation of ash dump No.1 is a new pine wood guarded by Sykholozhskii forestry of the Sverdlovsk Region Department of forestry.
  • It would eventually become one of six artificial lakes in greater mining region as a result of recultivation activities.
  • "Halothamnus auriculus" is a good fodder plant and is planted for recultivation of pasture.

  • The water quality is one of the key criteria, which is monitored and will be helpful for projection of the hydric recultivation in another region.
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