Translation for '
recycle' from English to Bulgarian
| VERB | to recycle | recycled | recycled recycling | recycles |
| SYNO | to recycle | to reprocess | to reuse |
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
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Usage Examples English
- Before the reduce, reuse, recycle mantra became mainstream, a small number of museums had already begun promoting sustainable decision making through exhibits.
- The city's "Recycle City" opened in April 1997 and has the ability to recycle various types of material which is then sold to companies that use recycled goods in products.
- WRAP developed the "Recycle Now", "Love Food, Hate Waste" and "Love your Clothes" initiatives.
- However, even when it is technically possible to recycle a particular plastic, it is often economically unfeasible to recycle it, and this can mislead consumers into thinking that more plastic is recycled than really is.
- Ferrari does not recycle because the number of recycle bins mean "you've lost your front garden", he said on BBC's "The Daily Politics".
- One start-up company, Samsara, has been spun out the Centre. Samsara is an enviro-tech company using bacterial enzymes to recycle otherwise hard to recycle plastics.
- RSS Guard has its own recycle bin to prevent the accidental loss of saved articles.
- Typical plastics used in food-grade water containers are polyethylene terephthalate (PETE or PET, recycle code 1), high-density polyethylene (PVC, recycle code 2) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE, recycle code 4).
- In 2017, News Media Canada created their own stewardship plan, which uses operational elements of the Recycle BC system to recycle newsprint.
- Apple has implemented a complementary reuse and recycle service that allows users to exchange computers, iPads, and iPhones for store credit if the device qualifies for reuse.
- Victor Gankin was the principal inventor of the novel (“recycle”) process of isoprene and other synthetic rubber components production (references to patents from the CV).
- To improve the hydrogen recovery, an integrated hydrogen recycle from the Liquid Nitrogen Wash to the Rectisol Wash Unit can be installed, which uses the already existing recycle compressor of the Rectisol Wash Unit to recycle the hydrogen-rich flash gas from the Liquid Nitrogen Wash back into the feed gas of the Rectisol Wash Unit.
- Recycle reactors are PFRs with a recycle loop. Consequently, they behave like a hybrid between PFRs and CSTRs.
- The Product Stewardship Institute claims local governments spend $54 million a year to dispose of unwanted phone books and $9 million to recycle them.
- Their stated goal is to not only recycle an object, but to recycle the intelligence that went into the object’s development.
- The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan, has introduced a program called “Recycle Write!
- They are stored in the Recycle Bin. If an error occurs during compaction and messages are lost, the [...] files can be copied from the recycle bin.
- The Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact pledge addresses 5 areas: Prove energy efficiency with measurable targets; purchase 100% carbon-free energy; water conservation; Reuse, repair and recycle servers; look for ways to recycle heat.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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