 Translation for 'red-backed' from English to Bulgarian
red-backed mousebird {noun} [Colius castanotus]
червеногърба миша птица {ж}
red-backed shrike {noun} [Lanius collurio]
червеногърба сврачка {ж}
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • It was previously considered conspecific with the red-backed shrike and red-tailed shrike.
  • Kopaonik has 175 species of birds, including the protected ones like woodpecker and thrush. Other species include rock partridge, scops owl, red-backed shrike and wood lark.
  • In some fairy-wrens such as the superb and red-backed, males pick flower petals in colors contrasting with their bright nuptial plumage and present them to others of their species that will acknowledge, inspect, and sometimes manipulate the petals.
  • The Central American squirrel monkey ("Saimiri oerstedii"), also known as the red-backed squirrel monkey, is a squirrel monkey species from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica and Panama.
  • Many of the plants and animals here are typically found in the North, such as snowshoe hare, saw-whet owls, boreal red-backed voles, and fisher.

  • Inca Trail is home to a large colony of Humboldt penguins, as well as a nearby enclosure with a troop of red-backed bearded sakis.
  • The southern red-backed vole or Gapper's red-backed vole ("Myodes gapperi") is a small slender vole found in Canada and the northern United States.
  • In the superb and splendid fairywrens, very old males (over about four years) may moult from one nuptial plumage to another whereas in the red-backed and white-winged fairywrens, males do not acquire nuptial plumage until four years of age – well after they become sexually mature and indeed longer than the vast majority of individuals live.
  • An alternate explanation for the uneven geographic distribution of the red-backed and lead-backed "P.
  • In some species, such as "Plethodon cinereus", the red-backed salamander, eggs are laid underneath a stone or log.

  • Irruptions can be used as indicators of small mammal abundance and in eastern North America, southern irruptions have been linked with low densities of red-backed voles in the high boreal forest.
  • The pink-backed pelican was formally described in 1789 by the German naturalist Johann Friedrich Gmelin in his revised and expanded edition of Carl Linnaeus's "Systema Naturae".
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