 Translation for 'red' from English to Bulgarian
ADJ   red | redder | reddest
NOUN   a red | reds
red {adj}червен
2 Words
to see red [coll.] {verb}
побеснявам от яд
Red Cross {noun}
Червен кръст {м}
Red Sea {noun}
Червено море {ср}
red wine {noun}
червено вино {ср}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
My Name Is Red [Orhan Pamuk]
Името ми е Червен [Орхан Памук]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
red kite {noun} [Milvus milvus]
червена каня {ж}
red-backed mousebird {noun} [Colius castanotus]
червеногърба миша птица {ж}
red-backed shrike {noun} [Lanius collurio]
червеногърба сврачка {ж}
red-bellied tamarin {noun} [Saguinus labiatus]
червенокоремен тамарин {м}
red-billed duck {noun} [Anas erythrorhyncha]
червеноклюно бърне {ср}
red-billed teal {noun} [Anas erythrorhyncha]
червеноклюно бърне {ср}
red-breasted goose {noun} [Branta ruficollis]
червеногуша гъска {ж}
red-breasted toucan {noun} [Ramphastos dicolorus]
червеногръд тукан {м}
red-crowned crane {noun} [Grus japonensis]
японски жерав {м}
red-footed falcon {noun} [Falco vespertinus]
вечерна ветрушка {ж}
red-footed falcon {noun} [Falco vespertinus]
червенонога ветрушка {ж}
red-footed tortoise {noun} [Chelonoidis carbonarius, syn.: Geochelone carbonaria]
червенопетниста костенурка {ж}
red-headed woodpecker {noun} [Melanerpes erythrocephalus]
червеноглав кълвач {м}
red-necked grebe {noun} [Podiceps grisegena]
червеноврат гмурец {м}
red-necked phalarope {noun} [Phalaropus lobatus]
тънкоклюн листокрак {м}
red-rumped swallow {noun} [Cecropis daurica, syn.: Hirundo daurica]
червенокръста лястовица {ж}
22 translations
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Translation for 'red' from English to Bulgarian

red {adj}

to see red [coll.] {verb}
побеснявам от ядидиом.

Red Cross {noun}
Червен кръст {м}мед.
Red Sea {noun}
Червено море {ср}геог.
red wine {noun}
червено вино {ср}гастр.енол.

My Name Is Red [Orhan Pamuk]
Името ми е Червен [Орхан Памук]лит.F

red kite {noun} [Milvus milvus]
червена каня {ж}орн.T
red-backed mousebird {noun} [Colius castanotus]
червеногърба миша птица {ж}орн.T
red-backed shrike {noun} [Lanius collurio]
червеногърба сврачка {ж}орн.T
red-bellied tamarin {noun} [Saguinus labiatus]
червенокоремен тамарин {м}зоол.T
red-billed duck {noun} [Anas erythrorhyncha]
червеноклюно бърне {ср}орн.T
red-billed teal {noun} [Anas erythrorhyncha]
червеноклюно бърне {ср}орн.T
red-breasted goose {noun} [Branta ruficollis]
червеногуша гъска {ж}орн.T
red-breasted toucan {noun} [Ramphastos dicolorus]
червеногръд тукан {м}орн.T
red-crowned crane {noun} [Grus japonensis]
японски жерав {м}орн.T
red-footed falcon {noun} [Falco vespertinus]
вечерна ветрушка {ж}орн.T

червенонога ветрушка {ж}орн.T
red-footed tortoise {noun} [Chelonoidis carbonarius, syn.: Geochelone carbonaria]
червенопетниста костенурка {ж}зоол.T
red-headed woodpecker {noun} [Melanerpes erythrocephalus]
червеноглав кълвач {м}орн.T
red-necked grebe {noun} [Podiceps grisegena]
червеноврат гмурец {м}орн.T
red-necked phalarope {noun} [Phalaropus lobatus]
тънкоклюн листокрак {м}орн.T
red-rumped swallow {noun} [Cecropis daurica, syn.: Hirundo daurica]
червенокръста лястовица {ж}орн.T
Usage Examples English
  • Maasai warriors are known for their long, thin, red dreadlocks, dyed with red root extracts or red ochre.
  • Rio Branco's official colors are red and white. Rio Branco's home kit is composed of a red shirt, red shorts and red socks.
  • Red Vines is a brand of red licorice candy manufactured in Union City, California by the American Licorice Company.
  • The red widow, "L. bishopi", has a red-orange cephalothorax, its abdomen is black with yellow rings outlining the rows of red spots and its legs are vermillion red.
  • Various beans can be used, including pinto, red kidney, small red, and dark red.

  • The male is predominantly green, with a red bill, a red spot on the throat, orange legs and dark red nape, bright red rump and uppertail-coverts.
  • In the film "Crimson Peak", there are Red Lady ghosts but their red color comes from being buried in red clay vats.
  • Red collars, cuffs and lapels sky blue piped red, red pocket piping, with white metal buttons.
  • Red–red–green coalition, alternatively "red–green–red" or "green–red–red", refers to a left-wing political alliance of two "red" social democratic, socialist, or communist parties with one "green" environmentalist party.
  • Its carapace is coloured bright red, with circular and elongated whitish patches.

  • Neutral red (or toluylene red) stains Nissl substance red. It is usually used as a counterstain in combination with other dyes.
  • Upsdell red is a deep medium red, similar to fire engine red.
  • As in the red-baiting and Red Scare campaign ("red socks") during the 1994 German federal election, Merkel scared off that the alternative was a left-wing red–red–green coalition government, since the FDP lost all its seats.
  • The [...] wide ribbon had five equal stripes of red, green, red, green, red.
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