 Translation for 'renegade' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN   a renegade | renegades
SYNO apostate | deserter | ratter | ...
renegade {noun}ренегат {м}
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Translation for 'renegade' from English to Bulgarian

renegade {noun}
ренегат {м}
Usage Examples English
  • FARDC elements allied with renegade General Nkunda and not under central command authority recruited children into the military.
  • Please Do Not Touch the Indians, renegade planets publishing.
  • A renegade show usually occurs late in the evening can continue for several hours (depending on the number of acts).
  • Chabanel was martyred on December 8, 1649, by what is described as a "renegade" Huron.
  • According to this story, humanity (Homo sapiens) are the result of a forbidden breeding program carried out by a renegade Silurian scientist.

  • In Bulgaria he is regarded as a turncoat Bulgarian, a renegade from the IMRO.
  • Anna Ioannovna fully rewarded the renegade. By decree of the Empress on March 4, 1730, Yaguzhinsky was appointed senator.
  • The monastery was built by the Serbian king Stephen Milutin Nemanjić in 1291, after his victory over renegade noblemen Drman and Kudelin.
  • A Native American chief is against his tribesmen killing white settlers. To keep the peace he must firstly deal with renegade Apache Black Wolf.
  • Browns Creek was named for Captain Brown, a "renegade" who camped nearby.

  • In 2013, Sofia Amara directed, alongside Bruno Joucla, the documentary "The renegade" on the work of Ollaik.
  • The renegade janissary leaders were called "dahije", from Ottoman Turkish "dayı", meaning "uncle".
  • In "Blow Fly", Lucy helps murder Rocco Caggiano, Pete Marino's renegade son, in a Polish hotel.
  • Ahmed el Inglizi ("Ahmed the English"), also Ahmed El Alj or Ahmed Laalaj ("Ahmed the Renegade"), was an English renegade architect and engineer who worked for the Sultan of Morocco Mohammed ben Abdallah in the 18th century.
  • Anthony Tyrrell (1552 – [...]) was an English Roman Catholic renegade priest and spy.

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    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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