 Translation for 'reservist' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN   a reservist | reservists
reservist {noun}
резервист {м}
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Translation for 'reservist' from English to Bulgarian

reservist {noun}
резервист {м}военно
Usage Examples English
  • The TDF reservist is comparably poorly equipped for modern warfare.
  • After his retirement from baseball, Morton worked for Boeing and was a retired Coast Guard reservist.
  • Lisa Girman was a Pennsylvania State Police Trooper and former reservist in the United States Army.
  • He was a reservist in the 2nd Battalion (Reserve) Châteauguay Regiment.
  • Safiullah Rauf (born 1994) is an Afghan-American humanitarian and Navy reservist.

  • Secretary Wormuth is married to a part-time reservist with the Navy and has two daughters.
  • Paterson is also an RAF reservist and he became Air Officer Scotland in January 2015.
  • Aged 18, he joined The Rifles as a reservist.
  • Wehrschütz is reservist (major) in the Austrian army - Bundesheer (Major).
  • He was notable for two events: he was the first reservist to command a submarine, and the first reservist officer to receive the Distinguished Service Cross in the Second World War.

  • Republic Act 7077, otherwise known as the "Citizen Armed Forces of the Philippines Reservist Act", was enacted by the 8th Congress of the Philippines on June 27, 1991.
  • Ponce Enrile is a reservist of the 4th Philippine Marine Brigade.
  • John Olson, a businessman and Army reservist, won the Democratic nomination unopposed.
  • The Explorers' primary roles were hydrographic survey and reservist training, among other duties.
  • In 2009, Quist reversed a ruling he had earlier made denying an American reservist the right to sue for relief after agents of Deutsche Bank had illegally foreclosed on the reservist's house (in violation of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act).

  • Jerzy Jełowicki (11 August 1899 – 22 September 1939) was a Polish landowner, agricultural engineer, military reservist and painter.
  • Sir John Bradford Timmins [...] (born 1932) is a British businessman, retired reservist, and public servant.
  • Reservists can be active in the Bundeswehr in addition to their mandatory service.
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