 Translation for 'self' from English to Bulgarian
NOUN   self | selves
self {noun}собственото аз
2 Words
self-explanatory {adj}разбираем от само себе си
self-interested {adj}користен
self-defence {noun} [Br.]самозащита {ж}
self-defence {noun} [Br.]самоотбрана {ж}
self-defense {noun} [Am.]самозащита {ж}
self-defense {noun} [Am.]самоотбрана {ж}
self-discipline {noun}самодисциплина {ж}
self-government {noun}
самоуправление {ср}
self-pity {noun}самосъжаление {ср}
self-seeking {noun}корист {ж}
11 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Self-envy is produced by 'child part self-objects', self representations from early development that remain split off from the self and harbor destructive and envious feelings toward the creative aspects of the self and results from direct aggressive attacks by these childhood self-objects against the part of the self identified with a harmonious mother-father or parent-sibling relationship.
  • The Workshop on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS) is an academic conference for exchanging research results and experiences in the areas of autonomic computing, self-managing, self-healing, self-optimizing, self-configuring, and self-adaptive systems theory.
  • Self-acceptance is an element of self-compassion that involves accepting oneself for who and what they are.
  • In reference to self-consciousness and self-reference, the connection between self-consciousness and self-referent encoding relies on such information activation.
  • Later advances in theory led to self-enhancement being one of the four self-evaluation motives:, along with "self-assessment", "self-verification", and "self-improvement".

  • Self-directed violence is subdivided into suicidal behaviour and self-abuse.
  • Self-interest generally refers to a focus on the needs or desires ("interests") of one's self.
  • The more commonly-recognised concept, self-consciousness, is derived from self-esteem, self-regulation, and self-efficacy.
  • Self-consciousness in the Upanishads is not the first-person indexical self-awareness or the self-awareness which is self-reference without identification, and also not the self-consciousness which as a kind of desire is satisfied by another self-consciousness.
  • An important aspect of help-seeking – and self-regulated learning in general – is the utilising of skills and strategies in order to process the received help.

  • The true self (also known as real self, authentic self, original self and vulnerable self) and the false self (also known as fake self, idealized self, superficial self and pseudo self) are a psychological dualism conceptualized by English psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott.
  • Self-discrepancy theory distinguishes among three domains of the self: the actual self, the ideal self, and the ought self.
  • The self is an automatic part of every human being, in which enables people to relate to others.
  • These are self-enhancement, self-assessment and self-verification.
  • Self-esteem has a very strong influence on a person’s self-view.

  • Realization of the nature of self-identity is the principal object of the Vedanta system of Indian metaphysics.
  • Self-related objects are anything that pertains to the self; including in-groups and self-esteem (attitude towards the self).
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