Translation for '
shocked' from English to Bulgarian
| ADJ | shocked | more shocked | most shocked |
| VERB | to shock | shocked | shocked shocking | shocks |
| SYNO | aghast | appalled | dismayed | ... |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
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Usage Examples English
- There can be "reverse shocks", which propagate "back" into the shocked matter once it begins to encounter the interstellar medium.
- When he arrives at his uncle's money bin, an apparently shocked Scrooge tells him it is too late.
- This decision shocked many fans in January 2007.
- Antonin shocked the Scrabble World in 1987 when he won the Junior World Championship - aged just nine years old.
- As Ross says his vows, he accidentally says Rachel's name rather than Emily's, leaving a shocked registrar to ask Emily if he should continue, while the camera shoots from character to character, settling on a shocked Rachel.
- She is obviously shocked to find the truth and run in car.
- In Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse cartoon film "Mickey's Rival" (1936), Mickey Mouse's hands are shocked by Mortimer Mouse's trousers.
- These soldiers all appeared to be in a catatonic state following battle, or "shocked by shells", hence the term shell shocked.
- One resident reported that after being shocked while asleep, staff would not explain to her why she was shocked.
- Saul delivered his testimony in a manner described in one newspaper report as "brazen effrontery that reduced the court to shocked silence" and detailed his sexual encounter with Euston in the brothel in explicit language that shocked the court.
- These were crucial productions as TAW's audience wavered between shocked admiration and shocked disgust.
- Shocked quartz was discovered following underground nuclear weapons testing, which generated the intense pressures required to alter the quartz lattice.
- Goldwater, would have been "shocked by "Afterlife" (...) but shocked in a great way" regarding the modern incarnations of characters and stories.
- "I am shocked, shocked, but not surprised. There is a justice for police officers and for citizens.
- It was classified as shocked L6 chondrite.
- Many leaders of other countries were shocked, and gave condolences; some, such as French President Emmanuel Macron, encouraged people to stand together.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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