Translation for '
sinner' from English to Bulgarian
| NOUN | a sinner | sinners |
| SYNO | evildoer | sinner |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- To make the vilest sinner clean.
- Before regeneration a sinner is dead and until the sinner is regenerated and given a new nature, the sinner cannot believe.
- The sinner continues his knocking, and now is spoken to by John the Apostle.
- Serious sins involving child sex abuse permanently disqualify the sinner from appointment to any congregational "privilege of service", regardless of whether the sinner was convicted of any secular crime.
- The absence of any specific examples of people praying the Sinner's prayer in the Bible is also used by some to argue against it.
- "Sinner Man" or "Sinnerman" is an African American traditional spiritual song that has been recorded by a number of performers and has been incorporated in many other media and arts.
- If the "aveira" is committed by accident, such as accidentally watering a plant on Shabbat, God is willing to forgive the repentant sinner.
- The penitentials advised the confessor to inquire into the sinner's state of mind and social condition.
- Demogoblin believed himself to be on a holy mission, and killed everyone whom he deemed a sinner.
- I don't like 'love the sinner, hate the sin'. If you are the so-called sinner, who likes to be called that?
- A scene showed a sinner at judgement in Yama's court.
- "There is joy in heaven over a sinner that repenteth".
- His grave notes that he was "a sinner saved".
- "The sinner is at the very heart of Christianity. Nobody is so competent as the sinner in matters of Christianity.
- The success of the application of Eastern Orthodox canon law depends on how much the sinner accepts the canon law's corrective measures; the more the sinner accepts, the more successful the application is.
- ") and the feminine French word for sinner (" [...] ").
- In the context of Islam, a faajir ([...] "fājir"; plural فجرة "fajarah") is a "wicked evil-doer", i.e. a "sinner by action". Compare kafir, a "sinner by disbelief in Allah".
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