 Translation for 'star' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN   a star | stars
VERB   to star | starred | starred
starring | stars
SYNO headliner | lead | leading | ...
to star {verb}
изпълнявам главна роля
star {noun}
звезда {ж}
film star {noun}
филмова звезда {ж}
morning star {noun}зорница {ж}
movie star {noun} [Am.]
кинозвезда {ж}
neutron star {noun}
неутронна звезда {ж}
to rate sth. on a 5-star scale {verb} оценявам нщ. по петзвездна скала
7 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • An AM Canum Venaticorum star (AM CVn star), is a rare type of cataclysmic variable star named after their type star, AM Canum Venaticorum.
  • "Patiriella calcar", or "Meridiastra calcar", commonly known as carpet sea star, cushion sea star or eight-armed sea star, is an Australian species of sea star.
  • The star pattern was popular enough to see continued use in 15-star flags as the nation began to grow.
  • Also, star antiprism compounds with regular star "p"/"q"-gon bases can be constructed if "p" and "q" have common factors. Example: a star 10/4-antiprism is the compound of two star 5/2-antiprisms.
  • The uniform star polyhedra include a further 4 regular star polyhedra, the Kepler-Poinsot polyhedra, and 53 semiregular star polyhedra.

  • The Washington Double Star Catalog lists a third component, a 14th-magnitude star at 90 arcseconds, but it is an unrelated background star.
  • Similar species include purple star-thistle ("Centaurea calcitrapa"), sulphur star-thistle ("C. sulphurea"), Maltese star-thistle ("C. melitensis"), and rough star-thistle ("C. aspera").
  • The primary star is believed to be an Am star similar to rho Puppis - a pulsating post-main sequence star.
  • The renamed company produced boats under the North Star name.
  • WASP-29 is a binary star system in the constellation of Phoenix.

  • In astronomy, Gaia16aye is a gravitational microlensing event of the star 2MASS 19400112+3007533 (the "source" star) by a dimmer binary star system (the "lens" star system).
  • The Commonwealth Star (also known as the Federation Star, the Seven Point Star, or the Star of Federation) is a seven-pointed star symbolising the Federation of Australia which came into force on 1 January 1901.
  • A star containing a large proportion of udQM is called a ud quark star (or udQS).
  • Mikoy will star in a 1st action thriller series, "Lolong" in 2021 with co star and fellow former Protégé star Ruru Madrid.
  • WR 104 is a triple star system located about [...] from Earth.

  • John Boyega was initially set to star as Owens; however, he eventually dropped out to star in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens".
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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