 Translation for 'startle' from English to Bulgarian
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VERB   to startle | startled | startled
startling | startles
SYNO to galvanise | to galvanize | to jump | ...
to startle sb. {verb}стряскам нкг. [несв.]
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Translation for 'startle' from English to Bulgarian

to startle sb. {verb}
стряскам нкг. [несв.]
Usage Examples English
  • Mutations in the gene have been associated with hyperekplexia, a neurologic syndrome associated with an exaggerated startle reaction.
  • This said, French Lops are still rabbits. Care must be taken not to startle them, as they can still have heart attacks from fear.
  • In rodents, it has been shown to play a role in the acoustic startle response.
  • Neuroticism is highly correlated with the startle reflex in response to fearful conditions and inversely correlated with it in response to disgusting or repulsive stimuli.
  • The acoustic startle reflex response to a sound when sensing anxiety sweat was larger than when sensing exercise-induced sweat, as measured by electromyography analysis of the orbital muscle, which is responsible for the eyeblink component.

  • It has been suggested that surprise is an envelope term for both the startle response and also disbelief.
  • "Halichoerus grypus", or Grey seals, respond to acoustic startle stimuli by fleeing from the noise.
  • Reporting the signal deflection evoked by the startle stimulus, the term "mean amplitude" (mA) refers to the average startle response excluding nonresponse trials.
  • Most startle patterns are brightly colored areas on the outer body of already camouflaged animals.
  • Fear-potentiated startle (FPS) has been utilized as a psychophysiological index of fear reaction in both animals and humans.

  • In 1553, Masahide committed "kanshi" ("remonstration death") to startle Nobunaga into his obligations.
  • The startle response is an unconscious defensive response to sudden or threatening stimuli.
  • Startle-evoked movement (SEM or startReact) is the involuntary initiation of a planned action in response to a startling stimulus.
  • Startle response interrupts and disengages the organism from ongoing activity, directs attention to stimuli, and protects the organism from potential harmful stimuli.
  • LSD, an indoleamine, affects startle habituation and prepulse inhibition of startle, which are indicators of human schizophrenia.

  • As exaggerated FPS responses can lend to the pathology associated with PTSD and other disorders of the anxiety disorder classification, decreasing the startle response in humans may be of benefit in the treatment of these psychological disorders.
  • A 2001 study, which used viral transfection to overexpress CREB in the basolateral amygdala of rats, found that overexpression increased the fear-potentiated startle response.
  • A startle disorder similar to latah, called [...] (sometimes spelled "imu:"), is found among Ainu people, both Sakhalin Ainu and Hokkaido Ainu.
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