Translation for '
step' from English to Bulgarian
| NOUN | a step | steps |
| VERB | to step | stepped | stepped stepping | steps |
| SYNO | dance step | footfall | footmark | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
3 translations
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Usage Examples English
- Note that the corrector step uses backward finite difference approximations for spatial derivative.
- The Two-step and One-step versions were considered as step-entrance buses, whereas the Non-step version was considered as low-floor buses.
- By incorporating yield, stoichiometry and solvent usage the E-factor is an excellent metric. Crucially, E-factors can be combined to assess multi-step reactions step by step or in one calculation.
- Parasuraman (1980) proposed a stepwise procedure to implement this approach: Step 1: Identify the key features of customer segments Step 2: Identify the critical supplier characteristics Step 3: Select the relevant variables for supplier segmentation, and Step 4: Identify the supplier segments.
- The following example, drawn from Howell (2009), explains each step of Baron and Kenny's requirements to understand further how a mediation effect is characterized.
- The term "lock step" or simply "lock" may be applied either to a single "locking" step or to a whole step pattern, e.g., of three steps, such as "step diagonally forward, lock behind, step diagonally forward".
- The normal steps can be substituted with a triple step or double step "step-tap" or "kick-step" instead of a single step.
- "Example: When teaching an intricate math equation, walk the students through an example step-by-step. After each step, pause for questions to ensure everyone understands".
- Also a simple variation on the 6-step. The first step is the same, but at the second step the left leg steps over the right.
- Follower starts with the right foot and does a back step, then a tap step (right), tap step (left).
- Chassé (French, "to chase") is a dance step with a triple step pattern used in many forms of dance.
- O'Donnell also has two step-grandchildren - a step-granddaughter, Olivia, and a step-grandson, Archie, who are his wife's grandchildren.
- You can step program the device by selecting Timebase 12 and use the Step button to enter the step count for each note.
- The initial model step specifies a simulation of the real world.
- In "Medicago sativa", for example, the reaction occurs over the course of a loading step, a decarboxylation step, and finally, an elongation step.
- Reiteration is a step where one re-uses a previous step.
- The second step consists of each particle moving one lattice step in the direction they are currently travelling, which could have been changed by the above Collision Step.
- The washing step comes after the capturing step to wash away the unbound phages from solid surface.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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