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 Translation for 'to be' from English to Bulgarian
VERB   to be | [I / he / she / it] was / wis [Scot.] / / [you / we / they] were | been
being | is
SYNO atomic number 4 | Be | beryllium | ...
to be {verb}съм
Belgium {noun} <.be>
Белгия {ж}
beryllium {noun} <Be>
берилий {м} <Be>
2 Words: Verbs
to be able {verb}мога
to be afraid {verb}страхувам се
to be cold {verb}студено ми е
to be delusional {verb} заблуждавам се [лъжа се, въобразявам си]
to be done {verb}готов съм
to be hot {verb}горещо ми е
to be imminent {verb}предстои [несв.]
to be mistaken {verb} греша [несв.] [заблуждавам се, лъжа се]
to be scared {verb}страхувам се
to be thirsty {verb}жаден съм
to be wrong {verb}заблуждавам се
3 Words: Verbs
to be a given {verb}съм даденост [реалност]
to be afraid of {verb}страх ме е от
to be ashamed of {verb}срамувам се от
to be ashamed of sth. {verb} засрамвам се за / от нщ. [несв.]
to be due to sth. {verb}дължа се на нщ.
to be full of sth. {verb}напълнен съм с нщ.
to be on time {verb}точен съм
to be on time {verb}на време съм
to be proud of sb./sth. {verb}гордея се с нкг./нщ.
to be unclear about sth. {verb}не разбирам нщ. [несв.]
to come to be {verb}възниквам
4 Words: Others
Beggars can't be choosers.
На харизан кон зъбите не се гледат.
to be familiar with sth. {adj}запознат съм с нщ.
unverified to be synonymous with sth.символ съм на нщ.
unverified to be synonymous with sth.символизирам нщ.
to be wise to sth. {expression}зная за нщ.
4 Words: Verbs
to be in love with {verb}влюбен съм в
to be reliant on / upon sth. {verb}завися от нщ. [несв.]
to be unclear as to sth. {verb}не разбирам нщ. [несв.]
5+ Words: Others
to be back at square one {expression} започвам отново от нула/връщам се на изходна позиция (прен.)
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Translation for 'to be' from English to Bulgarian

to be {verb}

Belgium {noun} <.be>
Белгия {ж}геог.
beryllium {noun} <Be>
берилий {м} <Be>химия

to be able {verb}
to be afraid {verb}
страхувам се
to be cold {verb}
студено ми е
to be delusional {verb}
заблуждавам се [лъжа се, въобразявам си]
to be done {verb}
готов съм
to be hot {verb}
горещо ми е
to be imminent {verb}
предстои [несв.]
to be mistaken {verb}
греша [несв.] [заблуждавам се, лъжа се]
to be scared {verb}
страхувам се
to be thirsty {verb}
жаден съм
to be wrong {verb}
заблуждавам се

to be a given {verb}
съм даденост [реалност]
to be afraid of {verb}
страх ме е от
to be ashamed of {verb}
срамувам се от
to be ashamed of sth. {verb}
засрамвам се за / от нщ. [несв.]
to be due to sth. {verb}
дължа се на нщ.
to be full of sth. {verb}
напълнен съм с нщ.
to be on time {verb}
точен съм

на време съм
to be proud of sb./sth. {verb}
гордея се с нкг./нщ.
to be unclear about sth. {verb}
не разбирам нщ. [несв.]
to come to be {verb}

Beggars can't be choosers.
На харизан кон зъбите не се гледат.посл.
to be familiar with sth. {adj}
запознат съм с нщ.
to be synonymous with sth.
unverified символ съм на нщ.

unverified символизирам нщ.
to be wise to sth. {expression}
зная за нщ.

to be in love with {verb}
влюбен съм в
to be reliant on / upon sth. {verb}
завися от нщ. [несв.]
to be unclear as to sth. {verb}
не разбирам нщ. [несв.]

to be back at square one {expression}
започвам отново от нула/връщам се на изходна позиция (прен.)
  • берилий {м} <Be> = beryllium <Be>
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Usage Examples English
  • The score to "An American in Paris" was scheduled to be issued first in a series of scores to be released.
  • As a result, his philosophy has exerted a unique influence on almost every form of knowledge in the West and it continues to be a subject of contemporary philosophical discussion.
  • In the "Iliad", it appears to be the model of a deep and loyal friendship.
  • This formula is important because it allows the albedo to be calculated for any given illumination conditions from a knowledge of the intrinsic properties of the surface.
  • Later immigrants in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries tended to be Ashkenazi Jews from eastern Europe.

  • A great deal remains to be discovered about Indian alchemical literature.
  • One of the central characteristics is that anthropology tends to provide a comparatively more holistic account of phenomena and tends to be highly empirical.
  • These restrictions are just starting to be lifted off recently although questions about Algeria's slowly-diversifying economy remain.
  • ... God) on the human body, considered to be property of Allah alone.
  • Of the 5,100+ active voters confirmed, 94% were Caucasian, 77% were male, and 54% were found to be over the age of 60.

  • Since the published circulars are definitive, better estimates do not create another version of TAI; it is instead considered to be creating a better realisation of Terrestrial Time (TT).
  • Rand considered her philosophical opposite to be Immanuel Kant, whom she referred to as "the most evil man in mankind's history"; [...] she believed his epistemology undermined reason and his ethics opposed self-interest.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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