 Translation for 'to err' from English to Bulgarian
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VERB   to err | erred | erred
erring | errs
SYNO to drift | to err | to mistake | ...
to err {verb}греша [несв.]
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Translation for 'to err' from English to Bulgarian

to err {verb}
греша [несв.]
Usage Examples English
  • Judges have some incentives to err on the side of granting restraining orders.
  • "The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church" defines infallibility as "Inability to err in teaching revealed truth".
  • Some physicians called this battery and torture, while others claimed that the hospital was right to err on the side of continued life (Pence 65).
  • However, as applied to crypto-Jews, the term marrano may also derive from the Spanish verb "marrar" (of Germanic rather than Arabic origin) meaning "to deviate" or "to err", in the sense that they deviated from their newly adopted faith by secretly continuing to practice Judaism.
  • Her novels include Persian Divan and To Err is Divine, Mi az ábra?

  • Another concern is the league's instructions to game officials to err on the side of caution, since questionable calls late in close games significantly affect their outcome.
  • likely alluding to the Latin motto "errare humanum est, perseverare autem diabolicum" ("to err is human, to persist committing errors is of the devil")—Freud concludes that the human psyche includes a compulsion to repeat that is independent of the pleasure principle.
  • Originally, fallibilism (from Medieval Latin: "fallibilis", "liable to err") is the philosophical principle that propositions can be accepted even though they cannot be conclusively proven or justified, However, according to the Duhem-Quine thesis, statements can neither be conclusively verified nor falsified in isolation from auxiliary assumptions (also called a "bundle of hypotheses").
  • soldiers to err on the side of killing suspected Vietnamese enemies even if there was a very good chance that they were civilians.
  • Since regrowth of this grass is slow, its best to err on the light side of fertilization than to over fertilize.

  • The game's title is a pun on the proverb "To err is human, to forgive divine" by Alexander Pope, whose namesake may have been given to the character Gwydion once it is later revealed who he really is in the game.
  • By forcing the user to close the microwave door while it is in use, it becomes impossible for the user to err by leaving the door open.
  • A large party would have much more to lose from the split vote effect than to gain from avoiding the wasted vote effect, and so would likely decide to err on the side of fielding fewer candidates (but probably not less than their existing number of seats).
  • In 2000, The Institute of Medicine released "To Err is Human," which asserted that the problem in medical errors is not bad people in health care—it is that good people are working in bad systems that need to be made safer.
  • This also does not imply that on average 50% or more of altruistic acts were beneficial for the altruist in the ancestral environment -- if the benefits from helping the right person were very high it would be beneficial to err on the side of caution and usually be altruistic, even if in most cases there were no benefits.

  • As long as it does not fall in a lack of sportsmanship, such as offensiveness, and as long as the umpire permits it, the catcher may mention a specific throw or say something funny to try to distract the opponent to cause them to err.
  • ... "damning with faint praise" or "to err is human; to forgive, divine").
  • It is the source of the famous quotations "To err is human; to forgive, divine", "A little learning is a dang'rous thing" (frequently misquoted as "A little knowledge is a dang'rous thing"), and "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread".
  • The evil-natured man keeps faith with none; the erring nature does not fail to err.
  • A natural question one then asks is, if we're permitted to err [...] of the time (over random instances [...] drawn uniformly at random from [...]), then can we get away with a protocol with fewer bits?

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