 Translation for 'to fight' from English to Bulgarian
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VERB   to fight | fought | fought / foughten [archaic]
fighting | fights
SYNO battle | combat | competitiveness | ...
to fight {verb}бия се
to fight {verb}боря се
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Translation for 'to fight' from English to Bulgarian

to fight {verb}
бия се

боря се
Usage Examples English
  • The ACLU continued to fight for the separation of church and state in schoolrooms, decade after decade, including the 1982 case "McLean v.
  • Bachchan in an interview with journalist Arnab Goswami offered to fight the case in court and asked the accusers to file the same as also present proof.
  • In addition to using his political power to fight global warming, the governor has taken steps at his home to reduce his personal carbon footprint.
  • The Turks conquered most of its remaining Anatolian territories and, during the last years of his reign, he also had to fight his own grandson in the First Palaiologan Civil War.
  • Contemporary reports state that he wanted to fight the Egyptian Mamluk Sultanate fleet in the Red Sea or return to Hormuz.

  • In this film, he is not a member of the royal family and does not appear to fight in the war.
  • The basic principle of Andorran defence is that all able-bodied men are available to fight if called upon by the summoning of the Sometent (a civil defense organization of Andorra, made up of the heads of households).
  • It is Tarrou who first comes up with the idea of organising teams of volunteers to fight the plague.
  • Attila decided to fight the Romans on plains where he could use his cavalry.
  • While the other cities again hesitated, Thebes decided to fight.

  • He left his family to fight in Chechnya in 2000 but was probably sent to training camps in Afghanistan.
  • Due to the Army being continuation of the colonial armies, it became immediately embroiled in conflict as contingents had been committed to fight for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in the Second Boer War.
  • The ANC has also been accused of using government and civil society to fight its political battles against opposition parties such as the Democratic Alliance.
  • She worked to collect a full listing of authenticated works by her late husband, gathering documentation on the location and manufacture of his works and working to fight the rising number of counterfeited works.
  • To fight housing shortage during and immediately after World War I, the town set up barracks settlement areas at the "Schlauch" and "Alter Turnplatz" grounds.

  • Their successes in the early days of the war convinced the Belgian GHQ to create a Corps of Armoured Cars, who would be sent to fight on the Eastern front once the western front immobilized after the Battle of the Yser.
  • He added, "We want to fight the American people." These include the 2000 Sipadan kidnappings, the 2001 Dos Palmas kidnappings and the 2004 SuperFerry 14 bombing.
  • Consent will also be vitiated if two people consent to fight but serious bodily harm is intended and caused (R v Paice; R v Jobidon).
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