Translation for '
to foresee' from English to Bulgarian
| VERB | to foresee | foresaw | foreseen foreseeing | foresees |
| SYNO | to anticipate | to counter | to envision | ... |
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
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Usage Examples English
- Canning was the first British Foreign Secretary to devote a large proportion of his time and energies to the affairs of Latin America (as well as to those of Spain and Portugal) and to foresee the important political and economic role the Latin American states would one day play in the world.
- French engineer David Georges Emmerich has also noted how Kārlis Johansons's work (and industrial design ideas) seemed to foresee tensegrity concepts.
- In ancient Roman religion, Providentia is a divine personification of the ability to foresee and make provision.
- and it is glory enough to his memory that he was instrumental in bringing those things to pass which he had neither wisdom to foresee, nor courage to attempt, nor understanding to contrive'".
- The deterministic approach sought to foresee all problems before they arose.
- In Africa, a black hen or a gamecock is used, which within such a religious practice and belief "to foresee, to be inspired by a god" may be accurately referred to as a sacred cock or sacred vessel.
- The underlying problem is that the original drafters of the Code in 1926 failed to foresee the explosive growth of federal legislation directed to "The Public Health and Welfare" (as Title 42 is literally titled) and did not fashion statutory classifications and section numbering schemes that could readily accommodate such expansion.
- and in 1959 he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Laws by the Australian National University, an institution which he had been one of the first to foresee.
- According to "The Wall Street Journal", Rubin has stated that "he wasn't alone in failing to foresee the severity of the crisis that would emerge".
- Proximate cause includes the requirement that the dram shop must have been able to foresee that its actions could cause injuries to third parties, but this is true for any establishment that serves (sells) alcohol.
- This Annex establishes that all activities carried out in the Antarctic Treaty area must be preceded by an environmental impact assessment (EIA), to foresee the likely impacts that such activities might cause on the Antarctic environment.
- He took full responsibility for the failure to foresee this and resigned.
- It failed to foresee the significance of the technological changes to naval warfare, including the submarine, air support and aircraft carriers, and although the Battle of Midway was important, and the US Navy did "island-hop" to regain lost territory, there was no culminating "showdown" battle as anticipated by Plan Orange.
- Raja failed to foresee the drop in prices and kept buying, which eventually put him in financial trouble.
- However, Polish military planners failed to foresee the speed of the German advance and assumed that Armia Prusy would need to be fully mobilized by 16 September.
- Principals and agents are able to foresee all future scenarios and develop optimal risk sharing and revenue transfer mechanisms to achieve sub-optimal efficiency under constraints.
- Prime Minister José Sócrates' cabinet was unable to foresee or forestall this when symptoms first appeared in 2005, and could not ameliorate the situation when Portugal was on the verge of bankruptcy in 2011 and required financial assistance from the International Monetary Fund and the European Union.
- Additionally, reference is made to Doctor Pinero, the primary character from Heinlein's short story "Life-Line"; during the novel's ending one of the characters tells Lazarus that he (Lazarus) cannot die, which aligns with the fact that Pinero (who could predict the exact time of anyone's death) was supposedly unable to foresee the time of Lazarus's demise.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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