Translation for '
to intend sth' from English to Bulgarian
22 translations
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Usage Examples English
- For example, a person who fails to stop at a red traffic light while driving a vehicle and hits someone crossing the street could be found to intend or be reckless as to assault or criminal damage (see "DPP v Newbury").
- The intention requirement has often been approached on the basis that parties to commercial arrangements are presumed to intend legal consequences, In "Ermogenous v Greek Orthodox Community of SA", a case relating to the engagement of a minister of religion, the High Court was, however, critical of the utility of a language of presumptions in this context.
- On 22 May 2013, it was reported that he was set to open talks with Sheffield United about their managerial vacancy in the next 24 hours and that he had cut short a family holiday to intend the interview.
- However, although he later appeared to intend to seize the Jin throne by force, he grew ill in 324.
- Both Nicole and Russ refused to go to the funeral with Russ deciding to intend his girlfriend Sophie Burton and her sister Mel Burton’s funeral who both had also died in The Dog in The Pond fire and Carrie was left shattered by this.
- A person is now held to intend a consequence (obliquely) when that consequence is a virtually certain consequence of their action, "and" they knew it to be a virtually certain consequence.
- Basheer uses this term to intend God is found within one's 'self'.
- Some theorists define deduction in terms of the intentions of the author: they have to intend for the premises to offer deductive support to the conclusion.
- The theory of planned behavior suggests that people are much more likely to intend to enact certain behaviors when they feel that they can enact them successfully.
- License-free software is computer software that is not explicitly in the public domain, but the authors appear to intend free use, modification, distribution and distribution of the modified software, similar to the freedoms defined for free software.
- In another mention, of "wild bay" ("Daphne agria"), Theophrastus appears to intend the same shrub.
- So Andrea da Grosseto was the first to intend to use vernacular as a national unifying language from the north to the south of the entire Peninsula.
- Propertius makes a reference to a painter of "small art" in his "Elegies", but the surviving text is corrupt, and it is generally thought to intend a reference to the 5th century BC Athenian painter Parrhasios, whose "trompe-l'œil" painted curtain fooled Xeuxis, an anecdote reported in another passage of Pliny.
- It is possible to intend to possess something without knowing that it exists.
- And so Andrea da Grosseto was the first to intend to use vernacular as a national unifying language from the North to the South of the entire Peninsula.
- Recent research from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey of over 6,000 smokers found that smokers with fewer smoking friends were more likely to intend to quit and to succeed in their quit attempt.
- At one point, machinations by Justin Hammer turned the 1400 Club against him and the organization was destroyed; the Foreigner did not seem to intend to rebuild it, as he realized the whole thing was too unwieldy and bloated for his tastes.
- His shorthand system was the first English system to include written vowels; and he was the first to intend his system for other languages.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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