Translation for '
to pretend' from English to Bulgarian
| VERB | to pretend | pretended | pretended pretending | pretends |
| SYNO | make-believe | pretend | to act | ... |
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- In 1925, 10 months after Balto completed his run, Children frequently climb the statue to pretend to ride on the dog.
- Meanwhile, Miss Pole calls a meeting of the ladies and they agree to sacrifice some of their own income to support Matty, while getting Mary's father to pretend that it comes as a return on her investments.
- The plot revolves around Billy Brown (Gallo), a man who kidnaps a young tap dancer named Layla (Ricci) and forces her to pretend to be his wife to impress his parents (Gazzara and Huston) after he gets released from prison.
- The origins of the story have been obscured by attempts to exaggerate its age and to pretend that it dates from the time of the Maharal.
- When Ramis called to check on their progress, Murray asked Rubin to pretend he was not there.
- Thor arrived riding on his chariot, dressed in a wedding gown in order to pretend to be Freya, who refused to marry Þrymr.
- It was not uncommon for them to pretend to be police officers or public officials to get a story, although many of them could simply talk their way into any place.
- He persuades the naïve donkey Puzzle to pretend to be Aslan (wearing a lion-skin) in order to seize control of Narnia, and proceeds to cut down the forests, enslave the other Talking Beasts, and invite the Calormenes to invade.
- However, only a handful of episodes later in "Sub Rosa", it is revealed that neither Beverly or Jean-Luc has been able to let go of those feelings and they are back to where they started, trying to pretend the feelings don't exist and that they have no problem being "just friends" with one another.
- For example, it is improper to pretend to surrender to secure an advantage over the opposing belligerent.
- He commented that the wig is a wonderful device that allows the Speaker to pretend not to hear some things.
- Botquin stated of the aircraft: "it would be pointless to pretend, as was often done during the war for propaganda purposes, that the M.S.406 was the finest fighter in the world...but it was certainly a pleasant machine to fly with no vices and great maneuverability".
- to run before they reached the barbed wire in front of the camera, where they had to pretend to die, an effect described by Atkinson as "somewhat unconvincing".
- Lu Xun organised his men in an orderly manner and instructed them to pretend to prepare for an attack on Xiangyang.
- In 1554 Aldersgate Street was the scene of a fraud where Elizabeth Crofts was smuggled into a wall to pretend to be a heavenly voice.
- He resolves to pretend that these opinions are totally false and imaginary in order to counterbalance his habitual way of thinking.
- Jeeves advises Bill to pretend to remove a spider from Mrs.
- In the United Kingdom, it is an offence under the Armed Forces Act 2006 to wear real or replica military decorations to pretend to be a member of the armed forces.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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