 Translation for 'to wake up' from English to Bulgarian
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SYNO to arouse | to awake | to awaken | ...
to wake sb. up {verb}събуждам нкг.
to wake up {verb}събуждам
to wake up {verb}събуждам се
Partial Matches
to wake sb. {verb}будя нкг
unverified to up {verb}повишавам [несв.]
to catch up {verb}настигам [несв.]
to turn up {verb}идвам [несв.] [появявам се]
unverified to show up {verb}идвам [несв.]
to eat up {verb}да изям [св.]
dried up {adj}съсухрен
to bloat (up{verb}подувам се [несв.]
to stay up {verb} не си лягам [стоя до късно вечер]
to look up {verb} търся [в справочник,речник и т.н.]
up {adv} [upwards]нагоре
to grow up {verb}пораствам
to clean (up{verb}почиствам [несв.]
to speed up {verb}ускорявам
to take up {verb}вземам (някакъв пример)
to sweep up {verb}помитам
make-up {noun}
грим {м}
to blow up {verb}взривявам
made up {adj} {past-p}измислен
to show up {verb}явявям се [несв.]
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Usage Examples English
  • NASA began a tradition of playing music to astronauts during the Project Gemini, and first used music to wake up a flight crew during Apollo 15.
  • 'Suprabhatam' is a Sanskrit term, which literally means ‘morning salutations’, and is meant to wake up the deity from his celestial sleep.
  • A story exists that the monks at some point got so fed up with this, because they sometimes had to wake up and go to the church three or four times each night, that they decided to stop going.
  • Hindalong also co-wrote "God of Wonders" with Marc Byrd, which was used by NASA to wake up Discovery astronaut Michael Fossum.
  • Etheridge wrote "I Need to Wake Up" for the film documentary "An Inconvenient Truth", which won the Oscar for Best Original Song in 2006.

  • "Giotto" was commanded to wake up on 2 July 1990 when it flew by Earth in order to sling shot to its next cometary encounter.
  • Season 3 Episode 5 of "GLOW" "Freaky Tuesday" opens with the same Vivaldi concerto music while the character Tammé is shown struggling, with the help of pills and wine and hot showers, to wake up every morning and tamp down her back pain while continuing to perform as a wrestler each night.
  • In contrast, the inhaled anesthetics have extremely short half-lives and allow the patient to wake up rapidly and predictably after surgery.
  • Modern Mac hardware supports WoL functionality when the computer is in a sleep state, but it is not possible to wake up a Mac computer from a powered-off state.
  • Seven-year-olds are better disposed to wake up early in the morning than are fifteen-year-olds.

  • I hope to wake up people. I have no desire to simply soothe or please.
  • The second is the ability to wake up when the bladder is full.
  • Routier told the police that she had fallen asleep on the couch with her two boys while watching television, only to wake up later and discover an unknown man in her house.
  • The two main characters finally escape over the wall of the infamous POW camp, only to wake up in a worse one – a dreary place called "Butlitz", a spoof of Butlins, where the German guards are dressed like Redcoats.
  • This simple biofeedback device can quickly teach children to wake up when their bladders are full and to contract the urinary sphincter and relax the detrusor muscle, preventing further urine release.

  • On December 1, 2000, Nelson's version of "Stardust" was used to wake up the crew of Space Shuttle "Endeavour" [...] s mission STS-108.
  • Lucian also records an otherwise unattested myth where a pretty young girl called Muia becomes Selene's rival for Endymion's affections; the chatty maiden would endlessly talk to him while he slept, causing him to wake up.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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