 Translation for 'tongue' from English to Bulgarian
NOUN   a tongue | tongues
VERB   to tongue | tongued | tongued
tonguing | tongues
SYNO clapper | glossa | knife | ...
tongue {noun}
език {м}
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Translation for 'tongue' from English to Bulgarian

tongue {noun}
език {м}анат.
Usage Examples English
  • "Celeus" species use their tongue to capture food. The tongue is long and capable of lateral movements.
  • The tongue is a specialized skeletal muscle that is specially adapted for the activities of speech, chewing, developing gustatory sense (taste) and swallowing.
  • Common names include "ox-tongue", "cow-tongue", "lawyer's tongue" and, occasionally, "mother-in-law's tongue".
  • The inferior longitudinal muscle of tongue is an intrinsic muscle of the tongue.
  • Crenated tongue is when scalloping develops on the lateral margins of the tongue as a result of habitual forcing of the tongue against the teeth.

  • are made by placing the tongue so that the back of the tongue touches the soft palate and the sides and tip of the tongue touch the gums.
  • "Ceratothoa steindachneri" is an ectoparasite known as a tongue biter. It parasitises fish by attaching to the tongue, causing atrophy. It then replaces the tongue.
  • "Ophioglossum vulgatum", commonly known as adder's-tongue, southern adders-tongue or adders-tongue fern, is a species of fern in the family "Ophioglossaceae".
  • The removal of the lingual frenulum under the tongue can be accomplished with either frenectomy or frenuloplasty.
  • Contrary to popular belief, the name Tongue does not refer to the shape of the Kyle of Tongue (though the kyle "can" be described as "tongue-shaped").

  • Popular names for tongue piercing include "tongue ring", which is a misnomer, as only rarely are rings worn in tongue piercings.
  • "Luncheon tongue" refers to reformed pork tongue pieces.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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