Translation for '
tooth' from English to Bulgarian
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- Tooth-to-tooth radial composite tolerance (double flank) is the permissible amount of tooth-to-tooth radial composite deviation.
- A veneer is a thin layer of restorative material placed over a tooth surface, either to improve the esthetics of a tooth, or to restore a damaged tooth surface.
- Tooth gemination, in contrast to fusion, arises when two teeth develop from one tooth bud.
- Hammaspeikko (Finnish for "tooth troll", from "hammas" "tooth" and "peikko" "troll") is a metaphorical device for explaining tooth decay (caries) to children.
- On eruption of the first primary tooth in a child, tooth brushing and cleaning should be performed by an adult.
- Abrasion is the non-carious, mechanical wear of tooth from interaction with objects other than tooth-tooth contact.
- Ameloblasts are cells present only during tooth development that deposit tooth enamel, which is the hard outermost layer of the tooth forming the surface of the crown.
- In situations where a relatively larger amount of tooth structure has been lost or replaced with a filling material, the overall strength of the tooth may be affected.
- All G450Xs were supplied to customers with a 15-tooth front drive sprocket installed as standard. 2010 models were supplied with additional 13-tooth and 14-tooth drive sprockets.
- Radula: the rachidian tooth is higher than broad and has lateral wings reduced or absent. The lateral tooth cusp is narrow. There are less than 10 marginal tooth pairs.
- Radula: the rachidian tooth is broader than high and has lateral wings prominent. The lateral tooth cusp is broad. There are less than 10 marginal tooth pairs.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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