 Translation for 'tor' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN1   Tor | -
NOUN2   a tor | tors
tor {noun}
остър скалист хълм {м}
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Translation for 'tor' from English to Bulgarian

tor {noun}
остър скалист хълм {м}геог.
Usage Examples English
  • Lüneburg's six historic town gates were the "Altenbrücker Tor", the "Bardowicker Tor", the "Rote Tor", the "Sülztor", the "Lüner Tor" and the "Neue Tor".
  • Around 1900 there were rocking stones at Rippon tor, and Sittaford tor on Dartmoor.
  • Mahseers ("Tor tor" and "Tor putitora") are found here in large numbers.
  • In practice, the tor-tor dance also involves several stone statues that have been entered by spirits and the statues will "dance".
  • Greator Rocks, Greater, or Grea Tor, is a dramatic granite tor on Dartmoor, England. It is a common climbing tor, like nearby Hound Tor. It is 371m above sea level.

  • tor is a pseudo-top-level domain host suffix implemented by the OnioNS project, which aims to add DNS infrastructure to the Tor network enabling the selection of meaningful and globally-unique domain name for hidden services, which users can then reference from the Tor Browser.
  • In addition there are hills which incorporate 'tor' in their name but yet do not feature the geomorphological feature described in this article. Examples include Mam Tor and Shining Tor.
  • She interned at DC Comics and Tor Books before joining the editorial staff of the latter, assisting editors including Ellen Datlow, Jim Frenkel and Patrick Nielsen Hayden.
  • The Manas River and its tributaries are home to three species of rare migratory game fish called mahseer: the deep-bodied mahseer ("Tor tor"), golden mahseer ("Tor putitora"), and chocolate mahseer or Katle ("Acrossocheilus hexangonolepis").
  • Combestone Tor is a granite tor on Dartmoor, England. It is [...] above sea level. The tor is considered a popular destination for tourists.

    © English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
    Links to this dictionary or to individual translations are very welcome!