 Translation for 'trendy' from English to Bulgarian
ADJ   trendy | trendier | trendiest
NOUN   a trendy | trendies
SYNO trendy | voguish
trendy {adj} [coll.]моден
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Translation for 'trendy' from English to Bulgarian

trendy {adj} [coll.]
Usage Examples English
  • A flapper was a trendy young woman in the 1920s.
  • Calle Loíza is a "trendy spot" with new businesses, bars, restaurants and boutiques.
  • In trendy Marin County, California, during the late 1970s, uptight Harvey Holroyd is quickly losing his patience. He is also enduring something of a mid-life crisis.
  • The hub of Potrero Hill is the 18th Street corridor that features many trendy restaurants.
  • "The Queens" was built in 1931 and is situated towards the 'trendy' Weatherfield Quays, south of Weatherfield.

  • During the late 1980s Willie Gault also owned a trendy upscale clothing boutique in Chicago.
  • This makes Kensington both a popular inner city district for many local Calgarians, as well as popular destination for shopping and accessing trendy and niche services within the city.
  • Judy's sold sportswear and fashion accessories, the women's stores catering to juniors: slim-cut, trendy styles.
  • reference to "panini" dates to 1956, and a precursor appeared in a 16th-century Italian cookbook, the sandwiches became trendy in Milanese bars, called "paninoteche", in the 1970s and 1980s.
  • Although some people consider Super Sentai and tokusatsu type shows as dramas, they do not fit the "trendy" definition.

  • After her time modeling and exposure to the fashion industry, she founded JVK Clothing which is a retailer of trendy African fashion for women.
  • The drink can be traced back to the 1950s and is sold under the slogan "Hverken ny, trendy eller importeret" (Neither new, trendy nor imported).
  • In 2003, SIMÁN opened its second store in the Republic of Guatemala, in the trendy Miraflores mall.
  • In September 2021, the toyline has gotten a reboot with a whole new set of characters and taking on a more modern, trendy theme.
  • "Out Dinner at Troy's"– Sara and Greg are thrown out of a trendy restaurant.

  • Each apartment has [...] ceilings, glass walls, and trendy space management, intended to make the most of each square meter.
  • The area is also attractive to "trendy" and well-to-do urbanites; the notably modern features of the new buildings in the "architecturally spectacular" area draw in "trendy young media and IT professionals" and are a boon for tourism to the area.
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