 Translation for 'unfriendly' from English to Bulgarian
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ADJ   unfriendly | unfriendlier / more unfriendly | unfriendliest / most unfriendly
SYNO hostile | inimical | uncongenial | ...
unfriendly {adj}неприветлив
unfriendly {adj}недружелюбен
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Translation for 'unfriendly' from English to Bulgarian

unfriendly {adj}

Usage Examples English
  • Two days afterwards, the Russian embassy in Norway stated that they took it as "another unfriendly step" against them, saying: "We consider this decision to be another unfriendly step by the Norwegian authorities, on par with the country's latest actions directed at Russia - a neighboring country that has never threatened Norway, its territorial integrity or people".
  • A large cat of unfriendly temperament, who belongs to Sanderson before his amnesia and accompanies him on his journey afterwards.
  • The novel depicts a number of friendly and unfriendly "Aiyyar".
  • After the 9/11 attacks, according to neighbors, Hawash became increasingly withdrawn and unfriendly.
  • Eliot's poem "Journey of the Magi": Eliot's "And the cities hostile and the towns unfriendly" becomes in Dylan "Through hostile cities and unfriendly towns".

  • It specified that the Federal German government would regard it as an unfriendly act ("acte peu amical") if third countries were to recognize the "German Democratic Republic" (East Germany) or maintain diplomatic relations with it—with the exception of the Soviet Union, as one of the Four Powers responsible for Germany.
  • Its service has been criticised by many users as unfriendly, German-only, and non-digitised, much like the former "Ausländerbehörde".
  • The Unfriendly Countries List (...) is a list of countries published by the Russian government that it says "commit unfriendly actions against Russia, Russian companies and citizens".
  • The wife of Phakin who honestly loves him but her appearance seems unfriendly.
  • President Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov called the sanctions "illegal" and "unfriendly" stating, "We consider these sanctions illegal, we consider them unfriendly, and we do not agree with them."

  • He has been called "frank but pretty unfriendly" in some remarks concerning Starbucks coffee.
  • The agreement discourages aviators from making "unfriendly physical gestures" towards one another.
  • On 7 March 2022, during the Russia-Ukraine War, the Russian Kremlin released a list of countries, via Twitter, who it considered "unfriendly" to Russia.
  • Ukraine is notoriously "disability unfriendly".
  • However, multicast also has its limitations such as poor reliability and being cache-unfriendly.

  • In 2012, The Princeton Review listed Grove City College as the 2nd most LGBT-unfriendly school in the United States.
  • In 2022, Russia added Taiwan to the "Unfriendly Countries List", which according to the Russian regime, commit "unfriendly actions" against its military invasion of Ukraine, despite Russia recognizing Taiwan as a part of China.
  • The song received very little airplay, [...] due to the lyrics being considered [...] unfriendly for radio stations.
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