| ADJ | unpredictable | more unpredictable | most unpredictable |
| NOUN | unpredictable | unpredictables |
| SYNO | irregular | unpredictable |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- There are several etymologies that have been put forward for "capriccio", one of which being derived from the Italian word "capretto" which roughly translates to the unpredictable movement and behavior from a young goat.
- Wild magic is powerful but unpredictable, almost alive at times.
- The Berserker brain is based on the decay of radioactive elements, to enable their moves to be unpredictable, in the event that some race should ever 'crack their source code' and be able to predict perfectly their battle strategies.
- Barnes was known for his unpredictable and effective scrambling.
- Formatting information can be added to the closed caption information, but adding format information to the source line can have unpredictable results.
- An unpredictable permutation (UP) "F'k" is a permutation whose values cannot be predicted by a fast randomized algorithm.
- The yellow-bellied toad has the ability to breed in unpredictable habitats and locations, including shallow pools that have the ability to disappear overnight.
- Power supply provided by NOCECO with frequent and unpredictable brownouts.
- The Independently recurrent neural network (IndRNN) Once the chunker has learned to predict and compress inputs that are unpredictable by the automatizer, then the automatizer can be forced in the next learning phase to predict or imitate through additional units the hidden units of the more slowly changing chunker.
- The difference between predictable variation and unpredictable variation is one of the fundamental issues in the philosophy of probability, and different probability interpretations treat predictable and unpredictable variation differently.
- In economics, a shock is an unexpected or unpredictable event that affects an economy, either positively or negatively.
- An unpredictable and chaotic household structure can be linked to socioemotional development.
- is to 0, the more unpredictable the question is.
- Heidi Klum interviews kids and brings out unpredictable remarks.
- Fast and unpredictable Brazilian fighter. Named Avege Hidev in the Japanese version.
- Monsoon season in Bihar is usually unpredictable and erratic.
- In addition, many types of eruptive or cataclysmic variable are highly unpredictable.
© dict.cc English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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