Translation for '
unwary' from English to Bulgarian
| ADJ | unwary | unwarier | unwariest |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
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Usage Examples English
- The settlement was originally called "Rabbit Gulch", but unscrupulous land developers renamed it "Fruitland" in 1907, hoping to draw the unwary to buy land that was unsuitable for growing any kind of fruit.
- Rughaylat is a suburb of the city of Fujairah in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The site of a small port, the area has seen a number of drownings of unwary swimmers.
- The Castilian sources do not mention any Moorish counter-attacks during the pursuit, despite the Moors' notorious capacity for turning on unwary pursuers.
- The hooded mannikin is usually found in flocks of up to 30 or 40 individuals (Meyer 1930). The species is so unwary of man that it could be stalked and caught by hand (Diamond 1967).
- "To determine whether entrapment has been established, a line must be drawn between the trap for the unwary innocent and the trap for the unwary criminal", he said.
- At very high tide the shore-break deposits unwary surfers directly onto stones.
- Despite the obvious dangers and warnings given there are still a significant number of emergencies and even deaths attributable to the unwary use of low-water bridges during flood conditions.
- In captivity, it has quite the "attitude" and may strike at or bite an unwary handler.
- These are restless but unwary birds which eat a wide variety of fruit, but especially epiphytes. They also take some nectar and insects, including beetles, ants and grasshoppers.
- A common source of confusion with his paintings is that his signature can easily be read by the unwary as 'Doweraker', and in this guise 'A.M.
- Hiding among the trees in the titular forest, the Judderman stalks an unwary traveler, as the man attempts to travel through the forest alone at night.
- Burrowing anemones are carnivores, eating unwary crabs that wander into their stinging tentacles.
- The Moffitt's Canada goose is often unwary and tame in the presence of people and urban settings. This includes golf courses and other large grass fields. This bird is adapted to ecological changes.
- Dividing trains can sometimes cause issues for unwary travellers, who may board the wrong car and thus arrive at an unexpected destination.
- Barramundi are a favourite food of the region's apex predator, saltwater crocodiles, which have been known to take them from unwary fishermen.
- The suicide of Fedor Adamov at the mill has sparked local legends that Adamov's ghost haunts the mill, and appears to the unwary, promising to show them a hidden treasure.
- During rainy weather there are leeches lurking along paths that will attempt to suck blood from the feet and legs of unwary visitors.
- The returned expression is evaluated in the calling context of the subroutine; this can surprise the unwary.
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