 Translation for 'vane' from English to Bulgarian
NOUN   a vane | vanes
SYNO blade | vane | weather vane | ...
vane {noun}ветропоказател {м}
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Translation for 'vane' from English to Bulgarian

vane {noun}
ветропоказател {м}
Usage Examples English
  • According to the explore north website a challenger for the title of world's largest weather vane is located in Whitehorse, Yukon.
  • A majority of older automated airport weather stations are equipped with a mechanical wind vane and cup system to measure wind speed and direction.
  • With such a quadrant, the observer viewed the horizon from a "sight vane" (C in the figure on the right) through a slit in the "horizon vane" (B).
  • A vane motor consists of a housing with an eccentric bore, in which runs a rotor with vanes in it that slide in and out.
  • The VAF (volume air flow) sensor measures the air flow into the engine with a spring-loaded air vane (flap/door) attached to a variable resistor (potentiometer).

  • In the late 1840s, a resident discovered an iron weather vane, believed to be from Pusey's mill.
  • The instrument has three vanes, a "horizon vane" (A in "Figure 8") which has an opening in it to observe the horizon, a "shadow vane" (B) to cast a shadow on the horizon vane and a "sighting vane" (C) that the navigator uses to view the horizon and shadow at the horizon vane.
  • The sun casts that shadow of a vane (B in the adjacent image) on a "horizon vane" (A).
  • The gilded grasshopper weather vane on top of the building was created by Deacon Shem Drowne in 1742.
  • In 1981 Dempsters replaced the arrow-shaped vane on the No.

  • A fluid flow conditioning device, the cheng rotation vane (CRV) is a stationary vane fabricated within a pipe piece as a single unit and welded directly upstream of an elbow before the pump inlet, flow meters, compressors, or other downstream equipment.
  • The shape of the tail vane also changed across various age classes of "Rhamphorhynchus".
  • On top of the tower is an iron weather vane. According to legend, Hans Winkelsee, a poacher who was condemned to death and was being held in custody in the Tower, was able to shoot the figure 9 into the weather vane with nine pistol shots.
  • Viking Age Söderala vane, now in the Swedish History Museum in Stockholm was used as a weather vane of Söderala Church until the 18th century.
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