 Translation for 'vantage' from English to Bulgarian
NOUN   a vantage | vantages
SYNO advantage | vantage
vantage {noun} [archaic] [advantage]предимство {ср}
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Translation for 'vantage' from English to Bulgarian

vantage {noun} [archaic] [advantage]
предимство {ср}
Usage Examples English
  • An inoperable elevator makes visiting the vantage point impossible.
  • Both search algorithms are made faster with indices that are based on vantage objects.
  • On this walk he described the view of the lagoon from a high vantage point.
  • The vantage point from which the original photographer took the view may have disappeared over the years, so the rephotographer has to choose an original view for which the vantage point is still accessible, or arrange to rent equipment to duplicate the original position of the camera.
  • Spectator areas have spread along the track over the decades but there are a number of private properties bordering the track so spectators are unable to access all trackside vantage points.

  • Malin Head is an ideal vantage point from which to view the autumnal movements of seabirds such as gannets, shearwaters, skuas, auks and others, on their southward migration flights.
  • In 2012 he created the performance installation "Habit" in which the audience is mobile, viewing the performance through the windows of a house, moving from vantage point to vantage point as the action moves.
  • According to vantage sensitivity theory, people who benefit from positive experiences display vantage sensitivity as a function of vantage sensitivity factors (i.e., genetic, physiological, or psychological traits) whereas those who benefit less show vantage resistance due to the presence of vantage resistance factors (or the absence of vantage sensitivity factors).
  • Bursted Rock is regarded as the most scenic vantage point in the forest.
  • The type specimen was part of a collection compiled by Jay O'Leary, who was then a student of Harvard College, in 1954 from the west bank of the Columbia River near Vantage, Washington.

  • Views are afforded to, from and across the mining landscape from a range of vantage points.
  • No longer in existence, it was an established and popular vantage point for topographical artists.
  • The event is viewed from an external vantage point.
  • A rest camp with self-catering lodges is located at a vantage point overlooking the lake.
  • The time cost to search a vantage-point tree to find a single nearest neighbor is [...].

  • Felsenegg (el. [...]) is a vantage point in the canton of Zürich in Switzerland.
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