 Translation for 'variable' from English to Bulgarian
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ADJ   variable | more variable | most variable
NOUN   a variable | variables
SYNO variable | variable quantity | variable star | ...
variable {noun}
променлива величина {ж}
variable hare {noun} [Lepus timidus]
снежен заек {м}
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Method chaining eliminates an extra variable for each intermediate step. The developer is saved from the cognitive burden of naming the variable and keeping the variable in mind.
  • λ Crucis is listed in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars as a possible β Cephei-type variable.
  • Sobel's test is performed to determine if the relationship between the independent variable and dependent variable has been significantly reduced after inclusion of the mediator variable.
  • "Sanguinaria canadensis", bloodroot, Plants are variable in leaf and flower shape, and have been separated as a different subspecies due to these variable shapes, indicating a highly variable species.
  • It is classified as an Algol variable (detached) star in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars, but is sometimes considered to be a β Lyrae variable (contact).

  • Many mathematical expressions include variables. Any variable can be classified as being either a free variable or a bound variable.
  • It is classified in the General Catalogue of Variable Stars as a possible S Doradus variable, as well as an eclipsing variable.
  • Fiat's Multiair technology which allows not only variable valve timing (VVT) and variable valve lift (VVL) but also a variable cam profile.
  • ο Puppis is slightly variable. The General Catalogue of Variable Stars lists it as a possible Be star with a magnitude range of 4.43 - 4.46.
  • The following regression equations are fundamental to their model of moderated mediation, where "A" = independent variable, "C" = outcome variable, "B" = mediator variable, and "D" = moderator variable.

  • The target variable should not be confused with the cycle variable or the control variable. The target variable only sets an upper limit for pressure, volume or flow.
  • A variable in an experiment which is held constant in order to assess the relationship between multiple variables [...] , is a control variable.
  • The [...] statement sorts the content of a document-type variable or variable fragment based on key expressions and places the result in another variable.
  • "Advanced", "Financial", and "Programming" modes present features for storing and retrieving values labeled as variables.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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