 Translation for 'virulence' from English to Bulgarian
NOUN   virulence | -
SYNO virulence | virulency
virulence {noun}отровност {ж}
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Translation for 'virulence' from English to Bulgarian

virulence {noun}
отровност {ж}
Usage Examples English
  • Several types of BMCs have been implicated in virulence of pathogens, such as "Salmonella enterica" and "Listeria monocytogenes".
  • The toxin may be considered a virulence factor, since it is crucial for the virulence of "L.
  • Direct binding of the virulence factors to the NLRs can result in the activation of HR.
  • Mobile genetic elements play a critical role in the spread of virulence factors, such as exotoxins and exoenzymes, among bacteria.
  • Strategies to target virulence factors and the genes encoding them have been proposed.

  • Optimal virulence is a concept relating to the ecology of hosts and parasites.
  • Silkworms have also been used for the identification of novel virulence factors of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Bacterial ABC transporters are essential in cell viability, virulence, and pathogenicity. Iron ABC uptake systems, for example, are important effectors of virulence.
  • It is also known that Salmonella plasmid virulence gene spvB enhances bacterial virulence by inhibiting autophagy.
  • Another argument is based on an evolutionary model that predicts that naturally evolving pathogens will ultimately develop an upper limit to their virulence.

  • The role of xanthoferrin in virulence varies among different "Xanthomonas" spp.
  • Of great importance, only a small portion of the documented virulence factors have been listed here. Through genomic evaluation, many more possible virulence factors have been found.
  • The interspecific transfer of virulence factors in fungal pathogens has been shown between "Stagonospora modorum" and "Pyrenophora tritici-repentis", where a host-selective toxin from "S.
  • Family N4 includes secreted virulence factors, or autotransporters, from enterobacteria.
  • The mechanisms that "Staphylococcus schleiferi" employ to carry out its virulence are not well elucidated however, similarities between infections of "S.

  • "Shigella flexneri" use AI-2 to mediate virulence. The major virulence factor in "Shigella" is the plasmid vir B.
  • The older phage literature contains numerous references to phage virulence, and phage virulence evolution.
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