 Translation for 'vise' from English to Bulgarian
NOUN   a vise | vises
SYNO bench vise | vise
vise {noun} [Am.]
менгеме {ср}
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Translation for 'vise' from English to Bulgarian

vise {noun} [Am.]
менгеме {ср}инст.техн.
Usage Examples English
  • It is a simple vise, with protruding studs on the interior surfaces.
  • Parallels of different sizes can be used to support a workpiece that doesn't have a 'flat' surface underneath, or to give clearance when drilling in a vise to stop the drill damaging the vise.
  • He is kidnapped and placed in the first of William's four tests, a vise-like trap that will crush either his or William's chest, leaving only one survivor.
  • A clamp-on vise is a light-duty bench vise secured to a board, table, or bench by a vise-type screw on its base. Rarely pivot.
  • Dog holes are arranged in a line perpendicular to the jaws of a vise, typically in intervals of four to six inches.

  • This design has many of the advantages of the classic shoulder vise and single screw face vise, with few of the disadvantages.
  • The Shaker broom vise is a specialized production vise that made the normally round broom flat to make it more efficient for cleaning purposes.
  • A metalworking vise may have a small anvil integrated into its design.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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