 Translation for 'when' from English to Bulgarian
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NOUN   when | -
when {adv}кога
when {conj}когато
At first I was like big deal, but when ... [coll.] Отначало си помислих голяма работа, но когато ... [разг.]
3 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • When once asked when she was younger what she wanted to be when she grew up, Dahlström stated: "Serial killer, or rockstar".
  • Python permits "Universal Newline Support" when opening a file for reading, when importing modules, and when executing a file.
  • There are two times when a filter can be naturally applied: when learning routes from a neighbour, and when announcing routes to a neighbour.
  • When using LEDs with different forward voltages, such as when using different color LEDs, some LEDs can light when not desired.
  • With one small piece of meat, when he Bonks, a cloud floats towards enemies, freezing them when they come in contact.

  • When playing using IMPs, a game should be bid with a 38 percent chance when vulnerable, but only bid a 46 percent game when not vulnerable.
  • The sounds it emits include piercing shrieks and hisses when threatened and muffled chuckling sounds when mating.
  • Kuiper uses a deep voice when a player swings and misses, when a dramatic play is made, and when he calls home runs.
  • After when the season was abandoned, Nightcliff were award as the minor primers when they finished on top at that point when cancelled.
  • Monosodium xenate is stable when heated to 160 °C in a pure state. However it can explode when subjected to mechanical shock, or lower temperatures when mixed with XeO3.

  • Examples of when this case would apply are when gas bubbles enter a liquid or when water falls into honey.
  • The vowels have the Continental or Italian values. They are shorter when unstressed and are prolonged when doubled or when stressed at the end of a word.
  • In cultivation, plants should be kept warm and dry when the leaves wither, and watered only when the flowers or leaves begin to grow again, when a sunny position is required.
  • Induced traffic occurs when new automobile trips are generated. This can occur when people choose to travel by car instead of public transport, or decide to travel when they otherwise would not have.
  • A monster is killed when its HP reaches 0. A player loses when they have no monsters remaining or when they are unable to draw a card.

  • A host may use [...] as its own source address in IP when it has not yet been assigned an address. Such as when sending the initial "DHCPDISCOVER" packet when using DHCP.
  • It should not be performed during the improper ("makruh") times; when the sun rises, when it is at zenith and when it sets.
  • This function is undefined when [...] or [...] (tending toward ∞ and −∞ respectively), but predicts a smooth curve which grows when [...] increases and equals 0 when [...].
  • We arrive at the definition of Shannon entropy from Rényi when [...] , of Hartley entropy (or max-entropy) when [...] , and min-entropy when [...].
  • More expensive amps may also have LEDs to indicate when the preamp has a signal present from the instrument; when a limiter or similar speaker protection feature is activated; when clipping is occurring; or when the amp is in standby mode.

    © English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
    Links to this dictionary or to individual translations are very welcome!