 Translation for 'whenever' from English to Bulgarian
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whenever {adv}когато и да е
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Translation for 'whenever' from English to Bulgarian

whenever {adv}
когато и да е
Usage Examples English
  • Two vertices "gK" and "fH" are adjacent in "X" whenever there exists "k" ∈ "K" such that "fH" = "gkH" (or, equivalently, whenever there is "h" ∈ "H" such that "gK" = "fhK").
  • Notaries are required by law whenever real estate (...) is donated, whenever a company changes its bylaws, or whenever relevant property (such as automobiles) is donated.
  • As with other current Rolls-Royce models, the hood ornament, the Spirit of Ecstasy, automatically retracts into the bonnet whenever the car is locked or whenever the driver so chooses.
  • The remainder of the play follows the Shakespearean drama whenever the two characters are "on stage", while the title heroes remain largely occupied with the futile hazards of daily life whenever the "main action" is elsewhere.
  • The British comedians Morecambe and Wise performed a skit featuring the song, which involved a light sprinkling of water drizzling on straight man Ernie Wise whenever he sang it, but a bucket of water being thrown over Eric Morecambe whenever he did the same.

  • Walker suggests nodding his head whenever he wants them to come to attention, and Jones will understand.
  • This is commonly found in C#, and is implemented by registering an object for finalization whenever a resource is acquired, and suppressing finalization whenever a resource is released.
  • Used to fight with enemies whenever they confront the Knight the knight withdraws his sword automatically whenever he is challenged, but tapping the screen twice with two fingers also withdraws or keeps the sword away.
  • Initially, the Ting Hai effect occurred whenever "The Greed of Man" or its loose sequel, "Divine Retribution" (produced by ATV), was broadcast in Hong Kong.
  • She is always heartbroken whenever Schanulleke is kidnapped, lost or threatened.

  • It is played at Essex games whenever their batsman or fielders enter the field of play in a limited overs match and whenever the team wins.
  • Whenever there is an inaccurate or a misleading report, it should be corrected promptly and given due prominence. An apology should be published whenever appropriate.
  • ... There are several running gags in the show: 1) whenever Uuuu's name is called he jumps into the air out of his fishbowl; 2) Ursula bangs Nora and Nori's heads together whenever they bother her; and, 3) many of the characters refer to Don Filemon as "Don File"—which aggravates him.
  • A battery checking feature uses a LED inside the viewfinder; if there is sufficient power this illuminates whenever the shutter release button is lightly depressed.
  • A strongly regular graph is a distance-regular graph with diameter 2 whenever μ is non-zero. It is a locally linear graph whenever [...].

  • That is, there exists a unique accessible stopping time σ and totally inaccessible time υ such that "τ" = "σ" whenever "σ" < ∞, "τ" = "υ" whenever "υ" < ∞, and "τ" = ∞ whenever "σ" = "υ" = ∞.
  • She has a hard time watching her mouth; for some reason, whenever she says something bad will happen it always does, causing everyone around to feel fearful and uneasy whenever she voices her opinions.
  • Whenever [...] we call [...] a degenerate Sklyanin algebra and whenever [...] we say the algebra is non-degenerate.
  • The codensity monad exists whenever [...] is a small category (has only a set, as opposed to a proper class, of morphisms) and [...] possesses all (small, i.e., set-indexed) limits.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
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