 Translation for 'zinc sulphate' from English to Bulgarian
NOUN   zinc sulphate | -
SYNO white vitriol | zinc sulfate | zinc sulphate | ...
zinc sulphate {noun} [Br.] [ZnSO4]
цинков сулфат {м}
barium sulphate {noun} [Br.] [BaSO4]
бариев сулфат {м}
zinc chloride {noun} [ZnCl2]
цинков хлорид {м}
zinc sulfate {noun} [Am.] [ZnSO4]
цинков сулфат {м}
4 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • They also recommend application of fertilisers including potassium, calcium sulphate and zinc sulphate during the tillering stage to strengthen the stem and leaf tissues.
  • The use of foot bathes containing 10% zinc sulphate solutions have shown to be effective in both treatment and prevention, though use is controversial due to environmental impacts.
  • KRIBHCO imports and markets other fertilizers like DAP, NPKs, MAP, MOP etc from time to time. It also markets speciality nutrients like Zinc Sulphate, Potash Derived from Molasses etc.
  • At that time, Gladu referred to the treatment of “hydroxychloroquine, with azithromycin and zinc sulphate” as having a “nearly 100 per cent recovery rate”.
  • Zinc sulphate or zinc oxide can be applied to soils to correct zinc deficiency.

    © English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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