 Translation for 'public' from English to Croatian
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ADJ   public | more public | most public
NOUN   the public | -
SYNO populace | public | world
javan {adj}public
javnost {f}public
2 Words
u javnosti {adv}in public
javna uprava {f}
public administration
javni dug {m}
public debt
javne financije {pl}
public finance
zdravstvo {n}
public health
javno zdravstvo {n}
public health
javno saslušanje {n}
public hearing
javno mnijenje {n}public opinion
odnosi {pl} s javnošćupublic relations {pl} <PR>
javni promet {m}
public transport
javni promet {m}
public transportation [Am.]
3 Words
unverified iznijeti što u javnost [sv.] to go public with sth. [to make sth. publicly known]
inicijalna javna ponuda {f} <IJP, IPO>
initial public offering <IPO>
15 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • KTMK broadcasts a public radio news/talk format. The station airs programs from National Public Radio, Public Radio International, American Public Media, and other public radio syndicates.
  • There are three public high schools (SMA), five public vocational high schools (SMK), four public middle schools (SMP) and over sixty public elementary schools (SD) located within the town limits.
  • The municipality has nineteen public preschools, sixteen public elementary schools, six public junior high schools, two public senior high schools/sixth form colleges, and a private secondary school.
  • ... 7 FM) is a public radio station located in Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • A public bridleway and public footpaths through the park give access for the public.

  • Slovenia passed the Access to Public Information Act in March 2003.
  • RSPH publishes three widely respected peer-reviewed journals on public health, "Perspectives in Public Health", "Public Health" and "Public Health in Practice".
  • There are four public schools: Georges River College Peakhurst Campus, Peakhurst Public School, Peakhurst South Public School, Peakhurst West Public School.
  • Petroupoli incorporates a number of private and 15 public kindergartens, 12 primary schools (11 public and 1 private), 6 public lower secondary schools (gymnasia), 5 public upper secondary schools (lyceums) and one public Technical Secondary School (EPAL).
  • The Public Sector Integrity Commissioner (PSIC) provides a safe and confidential mechanism enabling public servants and the general public to disclose wrongdoings committed in the public sector.

  • The Public Administration Committee (PAC) represents scholarship in public administration and public management within the UK.
  • Marc Holzer is an American public administration scholar and distinguished professor of public administration at Suffolk University, and was formerly Founding Dean and University Professor at the Rutgers University School of Public Affairs and Administration.
  • "I. - For the purposes of section 1 hereof, 'public places' comprise the public highway and any places open to the public or assigned to a public service.
  • Pursuant Title 16-204, other than the public Defender, the deputy public defender, district public defenders, assistant public defenders and panel attorneys can provide representation to indigent individuals in accordance with the Office of the Public Defender.
  • Uskudar has two public libraries: Şemsi Pasha Mosque Public Library (built in 1953) and Selimiye Public Library.

  • Inclusive management is a pattern of practices by public managers that facilitate the inclusion of public employees, experts, the public, and politicians in collaboratively addressing public problems or concerns of public interest.
  • American Public Media (APM) and Public Radio Exchange (PRX; which also merged with Public Radio International in 2018) are other major public radio production and distribution organizations with distinct missions, and each competes with the other and NPR for programming slots on public radio stations.
© Croatian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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