 Translation for 'autistic' from English to Czech
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ADJ   autistic | more autistic | most autistic
NOUN   an autistic | autistics
autistic {noun} [person suffering from autism]autista {m}
1 translation
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Translation for 'autistic' from English to Czech

autistic {noun} [person suffering from autism]
autista {m}
Usage Examples English
  • The CARS is a diagnostic assessment method that rates individuals on a scale ranging from normal to severe, and yields a composite score ranging from non-autistic to mildly autistic, moderately autistic, or severely autistic.
  • The mother of an autistic son, she has written two books for autistic children: "Different Like Me" and "Autistic Planet".
  • Autistic art is artwork created by autistic artists that captures or conveys a variety of autistic experiences.
  • She played a young autistic woman, the character being inspired by the works of autistic author Donna Williams.
  • It was originally conceived in 2012 by Damian Milton, an autistic scholar.

  • This podcast talks about the experiences of elderly autistic people, reports of elderly people who suspect they are autistic, their experiences in family and society, as well as reports from professionals who work with elderly autistic people.
  • Many autistic activists have shown support for the double empathy concept, and have argued that past studies done on ToM in autism have served to stigmatise autistic people, blame autistic-neurotypical misunderstandings solely on autistic people, and de-humanise autistic people by portraying them as unempathetic.
  • The autistic community responded enthusiastically to "Loop".
  • Discrimination against autistic people is the discrimination and persecution that autistic people have been subjected to. Discrimination against autistic people is a form of ableism.
  • Some 21st century studies have shown that the results of some studies of theory of mind tests on autistic people may be misinterpreted based on the double empathy problem, which proposes that rather than autistic people specifically having trouble with theory of mind, autistic people and non-autistic people have equal difficulty understanding one-another due to their neurological differences.

  • Autistic pride asserts that autistic people are not sick; rather, they have a unique set of characteristics that provide them many rewards and challenges, not unlike their non-autistic peers.
© English-Czech dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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