 Translation for 'bag' from English to Czech
NOUN   a bag | bags
VERB   to bag | bagged | bagged
bagging | bags
SYNO bag | bagful | base | ...
bag {noun}pytel {m}
tea bag {noun}čajový sáček {m}
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Translation for 'bag' from English to Czech

bag {noun}
pytel {m}

tea bag {noun}
čajový sáček {m}
Usage Examples English
  • In British English, the same kind of bag is called a sports bag.
  • All models feature a 3.5 litre bag capacity and piston bag full indicator set into the lid of the bag housing.
  • The bag containing Charles Westmoreland's millions is passed from hand to hand at the Mexico City International Airport.
  • Eastern Paper Bag brought an action to prevent its competitor Continental Paper Bag from using its patent for a "self-opening" paper bag.
  • A duffel bag is often confused with a hoop-handled hard-bottomed zippered bag, generically also known as a gym bag.

  • "Bag O"–A line of figurine expansions that includes the Bag O' Zombies, Babes, Dogs and Clowns.
  • The bag is supplied to the company which will fill it as an empty pre-made bag.
  • The Sarco is an expansion of the hypoxic death provided by a suicide bag.
  • Its 2Five golf bag weighs only two and a half pounds.
  • Janus models concurrency through the use of "bag channels".

  • The original "Lachsack" was a brown bag made of jute.
  • The three-dimensional version consists of an inner and outer bag. The outer bag must be drawn in transparent colors so that the inner bag remains visible.
  • The etymology of the term "mashak" stems from its common use in India, referring to a skin bag used for carrying water. This skin bag shares a similar function to the air bag of the bag pipes.
  • An airsickness bag, also known as a barf bag, airsick bag, sick bag, or motion sickness bag, is a small bag commonly provided to passengers on board airplanes and boats to collect and contain vomit in the event of motion sickness.
© English-Czech dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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