 Translation for 'white-backed' from English to Danish
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white-backed woodpecker [Dendrocopos leucotos]
hvidrygget flagspætte {fk}
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Translation for 'white-backed' from English to Danish

white-backed woodpecker [Dendrocopos leucotos]
hvidrygget flagspætte {fk}orn.T
Usage Examples English
  • Most sources recognize 6 species in 2 genera, although the white-backed and Hawaiian stilts are occasionally considered subspecies of the black-necked stilt.
  • At one time it was believed to be closer to the white-backed vulture of Africa and was known as the Oriental white-backed vulture.
  • It is home to the critically endangered white-backed vulture and the long billed vulture.
  • In recent years there have been no sightings of Critically Endangered White-backed Vultures in Yankari and species probably extirpated from the reserve.
  • compared the stress hormone levels of corticosterone in the domesticated Bengali finch in the wild ancestor, the white-backed munia.

  • In 2008, a vulture breeding centre was inaugurated aiming at holding up to 25 pairs of each of the two "Gyps" vultures species now critically endangered in Nepal - the Oriental white-backed vulture and the slender-billed vulture.
  • Otherwise, the dash was the same as previous models but new for 1973 was the introduction of the white-backed instrument cluster of the U.S 1972/1973 Matador, displaying in miles per hour.
  • The white-backed woodpecker ("Dendrocopos leucotos") is a Eurasian woodpecker belonging to the genus "Dendrocopos".
  • Current occupants of this exhibit area include a walk-through interactive aviary for Budgerigar, Binturong, Pygmy hippopotamus, White-backed vulture, and Pekin ducks.
  • Forest areas are rich with woodpeckers, the rarest among them being the white-backed woodpecker and middle spotted woodpecker.

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